
Okay, I know I really don't comment or vote on books but honestly? This book deserved to be on whatever Tops are there.
          This book is never leaving my library and offline stories.
          And Hi author! I really love your story. Like a 100% love you know?


At first I was really hesitant on reading it 'cause I was looking for short stories. And as you know the chapters are long. But when I read it, well I'm hooked. I hope you can write another unique and great story like this 


@iwannabeagayguy7 Sooooo glad you loved it! Makes my day to hear that. 
            Thanks for taking a chance on reading it too. I had loads of fun playing with the characters. 
            There's a published MF version out there now, so I'm not really interested it making it to the Tops on Wattpad anyway. Still, it's always fun when someone new finds it and has as much fun with Robbie as I did. <3 Thanks again!