
Sorry for not updating Mindseeker for a while. I was hard at work on publishing Clanless, which is my complete story for the Pride Month Writing contest. I am very proud of how the story came together. I hope my readers can enjoy it, regardless of whether or not it wins anything in the competition.
          	I have a little bit stuck on Mindseeker lately, but I have some new parts that will hopefully be added this week! Stay tuned!


Sorry for not updating Mindseeker for a while. I was hard at work on publishing Clanless, which is my complete story for the Pride Month Writing contest. I am very proud of how the story came together. I hope my readers can enjoy it, regardless of whether or not it wins anything in the competition.
          I have a little bit stuck on Mindseeker lately, but I have some new parts that will hopefully be added this week! Stay tuned!


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