
Christians, please spread the gospel!
          	With all the things happening in Israel, Jesus can come any time soon. 
          	With my experience today in evangelism, I received the most heartfelt response from a stranger after I just handed out a Bible verse I scribbled on a paper. God can use you to touch thousands of lives, He can do anything with your little obedience. 
          	Please, I beg you, Christians! Jesus will not come until the entire world has heard the gospel. As a disciple of Jesus, are you contributing anything to this? 
          	God will give you strength, don't worry
          	He gave strength to evangelize the early Christians, He can do it for you too.


If you don't know how, ask God and search for answers...


@JF_Abraham I just heard something that I can add here... The same seed that was planted in the heart of the early Christian was planted in ours, because the seed is the Word of God, and the word of God is Jesus, Jesus didn't change, so why should we be different from the early christians in faith?
          	   There is people now who needs to listen the gospel just as it had before, and like before there is a people to evangelize, the people of God, are you part of this people?


Christians, please spread the gospel!
          With all the things happening in Israel, Jesus can come any time soon. 
          With my experience today in evangelism, I received the most heartfelt response from a stranger after I just handed out a Bible verse I scribbled on a paper. God can use you to touch thousands of lives, He can do anything with your little obedience. 
          Please, I beg you, Christians! Jesus will not come until the entire world has heard the gospel. As a disciple of Jesus, are you contributing anything to this? 
          God will give you strength, don't worry
          He gave strength to evangelize the early Christians, He can do it for you too.


If you don't know how, ask God and search for answers...


@JF_Abraham I just heard something that I can add here... The same seed that was planted in the heart of the early Christian was planted in ours, because the seed is the Word of God, and the word of God is Jesus, Jesus didn't change, so why should we be different from the early christians in faith?
             There is people now who needs to listen the gospel just as it had before, and like before there is a people to evangelize, the people of God, are you part of this people?



@JF_Abraham There will be some abuse. I hope this answers your questions:)


@TheChristianPrincess A query, why is it mature?



@dallas1213 Sure! Will check it out☺


What did you have to sacrifice to follow Jesus?


Amen!! God bless you too always! May you inspire others to walk in holiness too☺


@JF_Abraham I had to cut ties with my sexual immorality (m*sturbation, prn and homosexuality) and all the content associated with it :D 
            God bless you for your work!! ❤️


“You are My witnesses,” declares the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. Before Me, there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me.
          Isaiah 43:10
          Currently meditating on this verse. What about you'll?