
this message may be offensive
I’m 3 days late for this but I’m still going to say it 
          	On September 20th Puerto Rico went through literal hell with Hurricane Maria as it was category 5 one of the worst hurricanes my island has gone through in years 
          	I was 4 full months without power and 1 month without water, food was running low, gas for my generator was literally something I had to go out for a lot 
          	The only positive thing was that my street in my neighborhood all of us became much more stronger and took care of each other like family 
          	I still remember that I had to look for cover with my mother and dog in the bathroom cause that was the only save place of my home 
          	Hence why I won’t ever forget that tragic days since more so 5,000 died during and after those events plus we couldn’t communicate with my uncle that lives on the south of the island for almost 3 months at that point 
          	Right now my island is going through elections and some of the politicians seems to forget that they treated us like shit and that was included Trump…my generation in this island are sick and tired of the lies and misinformation plus the disrespect 
          	I just hope the generation before me wakes up and sees that our future generations need change 


this message may be offensive
I’m 3 days late for this but I’m still going to say it 
          On September 20th Puerto Rico went through literal hell with Hurricane Maria as it was category 5 one of the worst hurricanes my island has gone through in years 
          I was 4 full months without power and 1 month without water, food was running low, gas for my generator was literally something I had to go out for a lot 
          The only positive thing was that my street in my neighborhood all of us became much more stronger and took care of each other like family 
          I still remember that I had to look for cover with my mother and dog in the bathroom cause that was the only save place of my home 
          Hence why I won’t ever forget that tragic days since more so 5,000 died during and after those events plus we couldn’t communicate with my uncle that lives on the south of the island for almost 3 months at that point 
          Right now my island is going through elections and some of the politicians seems to forget that they treated us like shit and that was included Trump…my generation in this island are sick and tired of the lies and misinformation plus the disrespect 
          I just hope the generation before me wakes up and sees that our future generations need change 


Also this is for everyone, spread love and support no hate it’s need 
          To quote Tom Holland “if you have a problem with me text, if you don’t have my number then you don’t know me enough to have a problem with me” 


All I want for this website/app is for all of us authors to have a great time and support each other but when some like @SJ_SUPERRSUCKS 
          Goes on to harass and steal someone else’s work like @SJ_SUPERRR it makes my blood boil cause all of us amazing authors just want to have fun and enjoy to write our books for our followers 
          So I did what all of us should do and report @SJ_SUPERRSUCKS and kick him out of here 


@SJ_SUPERRR I just want to spread positivity into this app/webside 
            Not freaking negativity 


@JDJoker19 thanks for the support bro, really


Finn admitted his jealousy and that he manipulated Dom to be with Liv 


@JDJoker19 that wouldn't surprise me 


@JDJoker19 That is very true 


@MyaRose3 he just can’t deal with the fact that Damian hold his title longer than he could 