
Ok soo my tik tok fyp is all max X bradly from some goofy movie- anyone wanna read a fanfic au i have in mind about thr 2? 


Thinking ill get back into written, but doing something a bit different. I have gotten heavily into supernature and after telling a friend who also enjoys the show about my own little characters/family. So i may write that story when i get my summer, which is hopefully starting on Friday if i get my collage stuff done


I dont think i will continue to write, i have gotten far too many comments about my spelling, and im sick of explaining that i have dyslexia. I now have grammarly on my phone so it dosnt get brought up as its annoying and majorly discourages me to even write.
          So idk if i ever will continue any unfinished storys due to the main focus always being on my spelling 


@IzzyFixxy I’m not super active on here nor am I the best at grammar and spelling, but I could check some of your work for you if you would like.


@creep_sauce, it's multiple people per chapter ^^', and none of my friends like what i write about or know i do this- i especially dont want them knowing i write smut 


Don’t let people discourage you, it’s 100% your decision, but maybe have a friend grammar and spell check for you? Or just block people who won’t leave you alone 


Hello! I just reinstalled wattpad. When i first opened it , five-ish years after my first incursion on here, i was met with your 'Smoke Till We Drop'
          And i was overcome with a wave of emotion and nostalgia.
          And i just wanted to thank you. Thank you for creating such an amazing story , that was part of a hard time of my childhood. Words sure are an amazing tool, and you wielded them with mastery and skill that infatuated my younger self to the point where i still feel nostalgic looking at it
          Once more , thank you so much


@FilesLoathing im glad you enjoyed it enough to be nostalgic, the first chapter of it came out 3 years ago now and im surprised with how well its gone, im glad it ment something to you


@FilesLoathing ok so it was not five years ago , but it was still a fairly long time 


The rp request!
          Sooo on my lovely readers made a new book suggestion as i have been having heavy writers block and havent wrote anything in MONTHs, half of my storys are unfinished or where just never posted but this suggestion cought my eye and i wanna have an rp based off it so i have plenty of ideas for it!
          I wanna be henry for this so im looking for a Patrick, as much as i love rping as my sick and twisted long bean i wanna be henry as the stroy will mote focus on what he is going through 
          The plot takes place along the same lines as IT chapter 1 expect a few details, firstly Patrick was never killed by the clown bur rather just got lost for a day or 2. Henry doant go to jail for killing his dad as Patrick finds him first. in short the start of the rp would be henry having just killed his dad and Patrick finding him freaking out/not fully convinced he is even awake. 
          I would prefer to rp someone about my age, so 18+ with little to no triggers as there will be mentions of death, yelling(i have seen this as a trigger before-), self harm and attempts to unalive onces self because i imagine henry dosnt take it very well


@doll_faceuwu great ill dm you!


@ IzzyFixxy  yes why not that is to say it sounds very good 


@doll_faceuwu do you wanna rp it? 


Lemme tell ya buddy , your writing is AMAZING , I cant wait to read the updates to friend of a friend. I have already read all of your It related stories and am totaly blown away


@ IzzyFixxy  hey , its good that you're emotional. Its a good trait to hold onto..I gave up some time ago , and I know how rough things can get , so , yeahI can help! Dont be shy , and pm me when you need


@TheSprenard thanks, and honestly anyone saying they enjoy my writing makes me tear, im a pretty emotional person honestly ^^' and thanks for the offer really i may end up taking you up on it one day 


@ IzzyFixxy  geez , I didnt expect to have this much impact ^^' , hey , if you need to vent , just know you can come to me , and that you are not alone , ok?