
For anyone looking to enter into a contest!


Hey there! Um i seez you like THG! SAMEZ! I am looking for a partner for an Everlark book. Would ya be interested? Lemme know! If not, then we can just be friends! Everlark all the way! 
          Bye Emily!


We are in the home stretch folks! Just three more chapters left until I've finished editing Willow Weeps! We are down to the final three in the Hunger Games and I've forgotten how much I love this book. It's been a wonderful walk down memory lane, and I've had the best time editing and reading it all over again. If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure you do! Thanks so much for all your support, and stay safe!


Hey everyone! If you haven't heard already, I'm giving Willow Weeps a total revamp. Today I finished editing Chapter 13, which is when the Hunger Games begin! If you haven't already, please go check it out, vote, and comment! I'll be updating the chapters as frequently as I can, and you can always check the description of the book to know what chapter I've edited up to! Thanks so much for your support, and I hope you like the new cover!
          Stay safe out there and happy reading!