
So BYE BYE! This time for good. 


Dear Krista. It's been 3 years since you left and I know you'll never see this, but I thought I might as well write it out to get it off my chest. Thank you. Despite the fact we only knew each other for half a year, if that, you've helped me become a better person socially, helping me expand my horizons towards gaining friends, because I remember how much care and friendship you gave me the day we first met, all the way to the day you left. Thank you for being a great online friend, those days we talked every afternoon I miss, but also have and still cherish. I'm sad you had to go, but even though the time we knew each other was small, I'll still remember you, and I feel I still will, even if you don't or never will with me. I won't type anymore because this message is already super long and I'm legitimately crying right now, but I hope whatever is going on in your life, and whatever you're doing now, is the best it can possibly be, I'm sure you've grown from the amazing person I knew to an even more incredible person. Even if I wish I could have known that amazing person for a little bit longer, the time I did know you was one of the best things to have happened to me. Miss you.
          -your friend, Matt.


Wait if your leaving can I use you character? I mean I'm from your school so I won't abuse her or anything, you've told me about her before.


As long as you don't let anyone else use her. She is my character. Treat her well! The only reason I say yes is because I'm at the same school. Have fun with her! 