
When The Flower of Peach Blossoms Flutter Chapter 13 is now updated! 


Hello. I hope you are fine. I noticed your writing is really good. I have a monthly best book contest held by @TheLotusCommunity. They still have many spots left. You can enter your book if you're interested. Just click on the link below. Fill up the perticipants form to the right genre and you'll be accepted. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work❤️


I have just finished writing WTFOPBF's Chapter 10 HAHAHA. I'll do an update later. I still have to proofread lol. Nyaaaah. Does anyone still reading this  


@ItamiHime Thank you . Chapter 10 is already posted. Have you read it?  I'll post an update tomorrow evening. 


@ItamiHime yes! I still wanna read it~


Sorry guys for not updating this week. I was busy streaming the new song of YG's newest boy group. But I promise that tomorrow, there will be an update. 
          P.S stan Treasure cause they're so damn talented. Stream BOY. ♥ 
          BTW, my bias is Yedam. My bias wreckers are Asahi and Yoshi. ♥