
Merging Chapter’s 1-3 because I feel like they’re too short. Crystalized will be right back in a few minutes.


@IsleofPigsStudios i've come to make an announcement: shadow the hedgehog is a bitchass mother fucke-


Crystalized is back. The reason why it is now 6 chapters is because I felt like the original Chapter 1, 2, and 3 were too short. So like the original post said, I have merged them into one larger chapter.


Merging Chapter’s 1-3 because I feel like they’re too short. Crystalized will be right back in a few minutes.


@IsleofPigsStudios i've come to make an announcement: shadow the hedgehog is a bitchass mother fucke-


Crystalized is back. The reason why it is now 6 chapters is because I felt like the original Chapter 1, 2, and 3 were too short. So like the original post said, I have merged them into one larger chapter.


I’ve come to make an announcement. As another user has stated, please don’t take any of my art without my permission or credit. Failure to do so will result in me asking you to remove the video or post. This has to be put into effect after yesterday’s drama where several of my sprites, as well as Zxro’s Outlawed Thomas Sprite, were stolen for someone else’s AU. The sprites have been removed from the channel in question, but this needs to serve as a warning. Do not steal other users art, make sure to credit the original artist.


@Dav2607 Art theft isn’t anything new with Sodor AUs. How many Fallout Role Swaps have stolen stuff from Springman’s Fallout Videos?


@IsleofPigsStudios  Sheesh, the Au Community is starting to fall apart first the Norbin and Brave incident and now people stealing other creators sprites what has the world come too?


@Dav2607 It was another user, not a prominent member of the AU community. But they took the sprites from the wiki not knowing that they were mine or Zxro’s. After posting a playlist for said AU (which is long gone by now), Zxro caught wind and noticed that his Outlawed Thomas Sprite and my Crystalized Thomas, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Donald, Emily, Diesel and Arthur Sprites were stolen. Zxro posted this on the Wiki (and presumably Trainyard since several AU Writers that don’t use the Wiki were there too) and the playlist got backlash.


I’m gonna be refurbishing some of the images in Sodor Crystalized so that it’s all one consistent style instead of a mix of BTWF and TVS. Please be patient as I revamp some of these images.


@IsleofPigsStudios Also could I help you in making Crystalized I have a few ideas for some of the engine's backstories.


@IsleofPigsStudios Yeah, but I mean when will his story appear becauseI thought he would be on the brendam branch but Idk where your gonna make him?


Well Chapter 7 being my longest chapter didn’t last long. Also, thank you for getting Sodor Crystalized to 5,000 reads!