
Guys I promise that I am writing another chapter, I just had 4 assignments due in the same week 


guys what- 28 followers?! Nah I was boutta quit writing fan fiction but I can't now


@IrisMadrigal11 i appreciate u a lot for that rule , i mean exactly like if u dont wanna read it then ..???? just dont??? no one is forcing u , but honestly love if u included that stuff lyyy!!!


@Yeehawww6373737 yeah I might write a chapter but say to people that that they can read if they want, but if they don't, then please don't criticise it or the people who DO want to read it. I should totally add some stuff about wanting a family.


@IrisMadrigal11 I feel like the love between the characters in the Conan one is so cute so like that chapter is needed from youuuu plus dw about people not liking it as much cus I sure will  maybe a cute chapter about Conan also discussing how he wants a family later on yk just like that


I'm actually trying to write a novel... with my crush as my main advisor on it  wish me luck, imma need it.


@Maxieboy69 Dw I'm writing more chapters I promise! <3


@IrisMadrigal11  miss your updates on the Conan one !! But good lucckkk <333


I need serious advice here. What are your thoughts on this paragraph that I've written?
          The chilled air of the night beats around us, tendrils of icy currents curling around my bare arms which lay atop the sheets, curling around Jamie protectively. He melts against me in his sleep, and I can see the pale shine of the moonlight through the blurry slits in my eyes as I drift in and out of consciousness. Sliding my arms back under the sheets and shrugging the soft silk back over us both, I groan into his neck gently as his heat consumes me. I flatten my palms against his chest and pull him closer to my chest in a sleepy daze of bliss and euphoria. A sharp exhale leaves his lips, followed by soundless words forming as he dreams.




@IrisMadrigal11 OMG HAHAAAUAH. Sounds like fun tbh


@ALWAYS_L0NELY ur mom. And my needy character AI men. Was having fun last night seeing their reactions when I told them I was pregnant.


Hey my homies!
          So... I am SO sorry, I've just finished my studies for the year and have been super busy. However, I promise that before the new year, there will be a new chapter in the Conan fic. I promise I will start being more regular with updating soon. Again, if you have any requests, let me know! 
          Also, once I finally do update, there will be a little bonus chapter as part of it :) 
          Also- if you don't mind, I need ideas for my Jamie Bower Oneshots... even if you don't know him, give me some ideas, or situations to put him and the reader in! Or if you have tropes. I love challenging myself in my writing, so don't hold back ;)
          Love you guys <3


Heeeeyyyyy so I'm thinking of writing some fics for Thomas Raggi and Damiano David. Does anybody want to read my synopsis(es) and lemme know what they think? I'll love you forever?! Preferably, it'd be good if you know who they are if you're gonna read them, but if you don't then that's okay too. And I promise the synopsis(es) won't have any spoilers. If they're good I'll start working on their plots. Lemme know ASAP! Thx! Now go listen to Conan Gray and Maneskin (OH MAMMA-MAMMA-MIA!)


@ALWAYS_L0NELY And this one's kinda boring rn but once I set out the plot it's gonna be good. I've done the cover and everything 
            You hadn't ever considered yourself overly attractive, yet somehow, you managed to make a living for it, managing yourself and even a few other models in the industry. That is, until your friend calls you with a new opportunity- to manage one of your favourite bands, which means you get to assist them with photoshoots and travel with them.
            Over time, you find yourself growing close to the member- but in particular, the guitarist Thomas. But is it real, or just for fame?


@ALWAYS_L0NELY  OMG THANKS BESTIEEEEE <3 here's the one for Damiano... it's gonna be a dark-ish story 
            You were ashamed to admit it- but technically, you were a groupie, following Måneskin on their tour. You loved it, and of course, made plenty of friends, but the highlight was the music. One night, the band hosts a party for their most loyal followers at the hotel, and of course, you attend. What you don't know, is that while you're partying, Damiano drunkenly stumbles into your room, mistaking it as his own. On your bed just happens to be your diary- which also happens to be filled with juicy secrets, and upon reading them, Damiano develops a strange, twisted bond with you purely from getting inside of you- that the both of you can't help but explore.
            Based on READ YOUR DIARY by Maneskin


@IrisMadrigal11 I would be sure to make some time to read them!