
Hi Irene :) Thank you for your support. Its much appreciated xxc I do hope that you will enjoy my other works ;) Feel free to critique and point out what you didn't like and I'll be sure to consider your perspectives :) 


Thank you sweetz :) Your words are like a soothing balm to my soul. Right now I have a satisfied smile on my face. I'm just really glad to be able to share my work and have it appreciated. Stay awesome xxx 


@Recklis I have just completed broken angel, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact I don't think I felt the need to comment on any of it, which is a good thing. I love the world you created, and none of the characters were stupid or annoying, they were just the right blend for their place in the plot. Looking forward to reading more of your work.


Hi Irene,
          I just wanted to stop by an formally thank you for reading and voting for both my books Offering and Sacrifice.  I'm glad you are enjoying the story.  I really appreciate your support.
          I followed you so when I update Sacrifice you will receive messages from me letting you know a new chapter is available to read.
          Thanks again,


Thanks Irene for the comment and the "urge" for me to put more up.
          I am soooo glad you are enjoying it and it would be great if you could let me know what parts or what specifically is to your liking.
          I have been beat up by work the last few weeks (months really), so I have not been writing like I should!
          I will be trying to get something done this week.
          Thanks again for the encouragement :-)