
Hi, I'm only 13 and I love the books of Sherlock Holmes. Old my friends think that I'm crazy becouse I have old the collection of Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle novels.
          My favorite character is Irene Adler because she's not a simple women, she is very rebel, and I like. She's my idol.
          I want to go to live in London, in Backer Street. (I'm Spanish).
          I'm olso like Arsène Lupin, the gentilment thief, but I prefere Sherlock Holmes.
          Why he's not real!!! I love you so much, Mr Holmes. 


@ oness_23  Yo también me estoy leyendo esos libros, están muy guay. ¿Cuál es tu personaje favorito?


Hello Irene Adler. I admire you greatly, for your out-smarting of Sherlock Holmes. I am a huge fan of Sherlock, more than I care to admit, but I also cheer for you. Would it pain you to follow me back?


Well, you need not take it easy anymore. He has greeted me, quite bravely, and he has received an answer. In the mean time, how is your life? :)


@WishingToFly Well I guess, for your sake...


Haha, he has not yet, but do take it easy on him. For my sake. :)