
Has anyone else ever thought about how Fallout 4's combat shotgun looks like a Lucius Pattern No. 98 lasgun? This has been rattling around my head all morning and I need to know if it's just me who sees this


@Inva1idus3r Now that you mention it, it does a ‘lil bit. To sweeten the deal, there’s bound to be a lasgun retexture mod out there somewhere.


Has anyone else ever thought about how Fallout 4's combat shotgun looks like a Lucius Pattern No. 98 lasgun? This has been rattling around my head all morning and I need to know if it's just me who sees this


@Inva1idus3r Now that you mention it, it does a ‘lil bit. To sweeten the deal, there’s bound to be a lasgun retexture mod out there somewhere.


I've never gotten a vote notification before. Thank you!


@CupaRedfall I would enjoy reading more of it


            Do you reckon I should continue it then?


@CupaRedfall I enjoyed reading it and I also find the idea of mixing Harry Potter and Tolkien to be a fun one


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May the Fourth be with you friends!
          On another note, how's everyone been doing? I'm personally still alive, but I've just been busy with life recently, with things like school and things just sucking down my time.
          Anyway, I hope everyone remembers to drink water, sleep, and have an abso-fucking-lutely wonderful rest of your day


@Inva1idus3r Same old same old.  Just taking each day as it comes. Hope you have a great day as well!


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@Inva1idus3r I've been doing pretty shit, even though normally it would be a pretty good thing, just waiting to see phantom menace in theaters.


@Inva1idus3r Alive and well, getting ready for graduation.
            Also, for the rebellion


YO! How's everyone doing today? If your day is going well, that's great. If it's not, I sincerely hope that it gets better. And, if you're comfortable with it, share a highlight of your day.
          I think that a highlight of my day is discovering how great paint pens are and finally figuring out how to make a graffiti style tag that I like.
          Anyway, I'm currently getting over being sick, so I'm just kinda vibing in my room, reading things, sleeping, drawing, and listening to things from my tape collection. 
          Two things:
          1: I find music that's on tape is more relaxing than music that's downloaded or streamed from the cloud
          2: Chisel tip sharpies are the best type of sharpies and you can't convince me otherwise.
          Now that that's out of the way, I hope that everyone has an absolutely wonderful rest of your day.


@Inva1idus3r Thanks, the blend is Black Rifle Coffee Company AK espresso, I usually just buy their stuff since the proceeds go to veterans but most of their stuff is actually really good, if you live in the US or Canada and like coffee I'd give it a try.


@__Trigger__ That's good. I'm glad you're fleeing better and that you have free time. Also, what espresso blend did you find?


@Inva1idus3r ehhh, could be better but pretty good, just got over a bad sinus infection so I'm just getting back into the swing of things, been going through a bit of a vinyl kick since I found some good ones recently (my wallet is crying) and the new kanye album just makes it worse. 
             Pretty homework free this weekend so just been working on my story a bit while listening to them, plus I discovered a new espresso blend I like so even after the infection I'm a bit more energized than normal, other than that and studying some more mythology I've been pretty free lately which I wish could last longer lmao


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Yo, how's everyone doing?
          I'm personally doing pretty great, cause I have more time to do things, and as a result, I got the next part of Death's Transit Service out. So read it if you want to, don't read it if you don't, and, as per usual, have an abso-fucking-lutely wonderful rest of your day.


@Inva1idus3r Just taking each day as it comes. Don't have a big goal to reach for at the moment.  Have a good week as well!


I kinda want to make a book that's basically just a cookbook with recipes that use lemons and then give it the lemon tag, without putting anything in the description saying that it's effectively just a cookbook. I just really want to see how many just see the lemon tag and read it.


Let’s see. There’s lemonade, lemon meringue pie, lemon pepper wings, Lemon cookies. You probably could even show recipes of famous chefs that include lemon. So many choices.


@Inva1idus3r You should just copy and paste a bunch of recepies from Google. And make sure to make the title some hot anime girl or something.


@Mason_Gill You know of any good recipes that are based around lemons?