
An update on my current issues surrounding writing in a language that is not my primary one (English edition): 
          	Knowing the difference between: 
          	• their vs there 
          	• your vs you’re 
          	• where vs were 


Is “Divine Realization” at its end? 


@Lasora_jc_De thx for the feedback! I’ll see what I can do 


I love this story! Please don't abandon it it's one of the only Clarion x milori stories that has an awesome plot and real issues.


No it’s not, the way I actually write these is I lay out a whole script for me to follow, beginning to end. So basically I have the events that will happen, I just need to actually sit down and with time write it. Sadly I’ve been stretching my time between many things lately and only try to finish my stories here when inspiration strikes (bad habit ik) I also came up with the story/began it when I was 17 and it seems so silly to me at times and I do question if I should finish it or not 


I have a question, will you be finishing "Divine Realizations"?


Yes, sorry for the sporadic updates! I always start way more projects than I can finish as inspiration always hits at diff times for my collective 6 stories. I usually pick a story for a couple months and rlly try to focus on it. I’m not ashamed to say I write with no ending in mind, just what feels right and right now I’m stumped on what the conclusion should be for Divine Realizations since it will be relatively soon. Lmk if you or any others have an idea of what you would like to have happen! Trying to add more to my Elsa fanfic and then should be able to devote time for the ending. 


Hey! I know you might be busy but I just want to say how much I enjoy your story "Divine Revelations." I think you're an amazing writer and I hope you keep up the good work! =) 


@littlevangeline I'm just happy you plan on finishing it! That said, I believe in you and I hope all of the fairies in Pixie Hollow are watching over you. With University and your job, you can do it! I wish you all of the luck in the world!!! =)


Your too sweet! I’m desperately trying to continue the storyline I’ve started and produce a chapter 30 by at least the end of the year, however university and my job say otherwise (ha). That being said, I did see your comment and am so happy you enjoy my wild Clarion x Milori fanfic! Finishing it is a priority for me as I hate when I’m reading something I love but am left hanging <3