
Hi Everyone, I know it's been awhile but I just wanted to let you all know that I will no longer be writing anymore.
          	Thankyou for all your support until now. 


Hey! I know you’re inactive and all that but I just wanted to do an appreciation post.
          When I was like 14 or around there, you still had about 73 stories on your page. I literally read every single one I think, but my favorites were the ones about katekyo hitman reborn.
          I still have them archived (I can’t read them anymore ofc ahah) but I still look at them sometimes and think of how happy I was reading them! 
          Anyways hope all is well :)


Hi Everyone, today we hit 100k views on my book 'Will Things Get Better Or Worse?' I just wanted to say a big Thankyou to everyone that's read or viewed my book, I can't tell you how happy I am to have hit so many views. I also wanted to say a big Thankyou to all the votes, comments and follows I have gained and can't believe I've gotten over 700 follows.
          Thankyou everyone so much and I'll try and put the new chapter of 'Will Things Get Better Or Worse?' Up either tomorrow or on the weekend.
          Once again Thankyou!


ok thanks I have been wanting to read it for so very long great work by the way


          Yay I found another DGM fan!!!
          Also KHR fan!!! 
          (I have crossover of them~¤_¤ and another one is coming soon~☆)
          [Weirdo~] (<= my OC talking)
          Shut it!! 
          [But its true~]
          Hush! Go away meanie!! I want to talk to this amazing person!!!
          [Hmp~ whatever... *goes away*]
          Hiya mate!!~~☆☆
          Nice to meet cha'~(~~¤_¤)~~ *leaves for second weirdly*
          I'm weird otaku, if that previous is not telling you it already~~
          I like your profile pic btw~~♡♡


Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you all know that I've finished editing all of the chapters of 'Will Things Get Better Or Worse?' And will be moving on to editing 'Is There A Reason?' 
          Some things have changed in the book and the same things will be happening to 'Is There A Reason?'
          I will be putting up new chapters as soon as I've finished editing. 
          And new covers will be made too


 Cool, but did you do the art for your covers? I just find it cool they have almost the same style(I couldn't tell) and same characters. (Btw your books are great... Better than mine and I have 16 0-o) 