
Kenzi is available to read. Vote for next chapter, and tell me your thoughts on whether you like it or not. 
          	P.s. anyone interested in reading SD chap. 1 is more than welcome to say so. I have it written, sooo you know... I'm here if you're interested! 
          	Xx ❤


Guys come on, I really want the next chapter to come out. Ivan... I love your eyes- Kenzi you're SO beautiful and strong!!! 


@blacksmoke99 Hhh, thanks sweetie. Glad you like it.  :)
            Really means a lot  <3


So, I'm still working on SD, but I can with honesty reveal that things are slowly/cautiously coming together. I have since long ago thought and decided that I'm going to bring a whole new depth to the characters and a certain darkness stained upon their pasts.
          (This is completely irrelevant, but I feel like I want you guys to know- at least a small part- to why I'm so drawn to damaged characters. To answer those of you who would like to know- it's because I, myself have danced and bled in the company of my own demons. I've been broken and longed so desperately for relief that... *Oh god! I think I'm gonna start cry- emotional with a capital E*
          *Clears throat, wiping tears with the back of my hand.*
          T-that... I know what it feels to want to end something just because the pain is more than you can take. It eats you up from the inside and no matter the things you take or do makes it go away permanently. 
          Now, I'm not saying that my characters are going to tell a story that represents my own- because that remains to be discovered ;) - but something from theirs pasts will have shaken them up good and made them into what they are today. Does that make sense?) 
          So, with that said, I wish you who can relate to my 'little' rant the best of luck in the future and blue days ahead. This is so cheesy- but keep on going. That's what I did and that's what everyone else who've gone through melancholia or things similar- have done!
          Though I don't know you and might never meet you, I believe in you. All of you! 
          Xx <3


Hello! First of all I'd like to apologize for my delay, things aren't going the way I want them to and sometimes it takes time to create something to utter perfection and I know, like so many other of you that I wouldn't want to represent something that isn't one hundred percent perfect. 
          And second, I am too working on some other pieces that I'd like to publish in a nearby future and for that to be finished and correct and proper it's going to take me some time, so I'd say another few months or so before I'm done.  Please bear with me. 
          All my love to you, my followers and I wish you a good day. Hugs and kisses! ❤


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Dear followers! 
          After a lot of thinking I have finally come up with something that I'd like to share with you. As you all know I am currently working on my very first and dare I say... serious story. Seven Devils. Now, I know there's been crappy errors and boring chapters with flat-out terrible misspellings that I am ashamed of now when I look back at the things that I have written previously. I know I can improve but please do keep in mind that English is not my first language. Learning in school, movies and books aren't quite the same as learning it as your native tongue. 
          Anyway back to Seven Devils. The first version isn't quite the same as the new one and honestly going back to the original SD I must say that I think number one was the real deal. The characters has been replaced, sure they have the same name but not the same features and I admit, I am not satisfied with that. I want my old Hazel and Julian back and that is why I am creating a new SD. I am working on the chapters and so far so good. I won't spoil much cause when I publish it I want my followers to enjoy what they read and get that 'OMG THIS IS SO GOOD' Feeling back. 
          And lastly. I don't want to sound needy or desperate but really when I hit 1K I was... gosh! I don't even know how to describe it. It was like the best feeling EVER! And after all the shit I've been through, you guys really did my day. I smiled like never before and got the feeling that someone actually liked reading what I had created.  And looking at SD number 2 I can see that it isn't as popular or enjoyable as it was before. 
          So to whoever who was read this loooooong 'note' I say thank you and have a wonderful day. 
          Xx <3


@Naughty_babe99 loved the original but I'm excited you're bringing it to a new light.