Also, my other account is @MCSMLover15, check it out

So, I am a huge nerd who is an addict to;

Imagine Dragons (Favorite song is 'Dancing in the Dark')
Panic @ the Disco (Favourite song is 'This is Gospel')
Harry Potter (I am a very proud Hufflepoff)
OUAT (My favorite is Hook)
Stranger Things (I ship Eleven and Mike hardcore)
Disney (Lion King and Big Hero 6 are my favs)
Thomas Sanders (The Very Best)
The Odds1Out and JaidenAnimations (And no, I don't ship them)
Star Wars, nothing but Star Warsssssss
Marvel (My favs areeee; Bucky*, Rocket, Groot, Peter Quill, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Steve, and Scott)
And, thats about as interesting as I get!

*Bucky never got to eat his plums.... *
  • In the dark, empty, void called my brain
  • RegistriertJanuary 5, 2018

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Writing Prompt Stuffs von Im_Here_For_You_Guys
Writing Prompt Stuffs
What the title says.
Pretty von Im_Here_For_You_Guys
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