
Sorry if im really late for uploading well a lot of things were going in reality so yeah and also im currently working for chapter 10


Guys i accidently deleted my acount and i thought it was saved in my google acount but i forgotten my password ( ゚ε゚;) so im going still going to continue this wattpad but its just going to ve in this account im sorry iff you are confused by this and im going to rewrite chapter 10 again☺i need help pls i've been working on that for months and it has 2343 words☺(ΘдΘ) pls give me idea cause i forgotted what i wrote in chapter 10 @TotallyNot10 pls help me( ・_ゝ・)( ;゚皿゚)ノシ


Sorry if im really late for uploading well a lot of things were going in reality so yeah and also im currently working for chapter 10