
this message may be offensive
My head is bleeding again and it hurts.
          	Ima use this as an opportunity to rant about how much I hate my school life and how god damn tired I am with all this bullshit me and my friend has to go through right now, I need better friends (not including the specific friend, she's amazing if ur reading this, ily <3). Sometimes I wonder what the fuck went wrong in life? I've been through a lot of shit that I didn't even know was really fucked up until I got older, even now I'm still learning that past experiences that I thought were normal or not that bad are actually counted as trauma. Anyways, can any of y'all relate to being absolutely in love with someone, but they don't like you back, and when you try to rant to a friend about it, they just tell you to shut the hell up and that they don't care, but when they go through something bad like a break up, you're just the person they gotta dump it all on? Just me? I dunno. Tell me if you can relate. <3 
          	If I made any grammar errors, spare me please, it's almost 2 in the damn morning and I'm thinking about why I still exist,and my fat ass fingers on my tiny ass keyboard. I hate this phone.


i’m sorry this happens to you, i’ll be over here if you need to rant, and honestly, i do understand , but i hope you’ll feel better abt it soon <3


@IlltearyourSoulapart Thank you. :) I promise to God I'll never let you go as a friend.


this message may be offensive
@IlltearyourSoulapart Ily too pookie, honestly fuck those people who disrespect you for no reason. I don't believe you did anything wrong.


this message may be offensive
My head is bleeding again and it hurts.
          Ima use this as an opportunity to rant about how much I hate my school life and how god damn tired I am with all this bullshit me and my friend has to go through right now, I need better friends (not including the specific friend, she's amazing if ur reading this, ily <3). Sometimes I wonder what the fuck went wrong in life? I've been through a lot of shit that I didn't even know was really fucked up until I got older, even now I'm still learning that past experiences that I thought were normal or not that bad are actually counted as trauma. Anyways, can any of y'all relate to being absolutely in love with someone, but they don't like you back, and when you try to rant to a friend about it, they just tell you to shut the hell up and that they don't care, but when they go through something bad like a break up, you're just the person they gotta dump it all on? Just me? I dunno. Tell me if you can relate. <3 
          If I made any grammar errors, spare me please, it's almost 2 in the damn morning and I'm thinking about why I still exist,and my fat ass fingers on my tiny ass keyboard. I hate this phone.


i’m sorry this happens to you, i’ll be over here if you need to rant, and honestly, i do understand , but i hope you’ll feel better abt it soon <3


@IlltearyourSoulapart Thank you. :) I promise to God I'll never let you go as a friend.


this message may be offensive
@IlltearyourSoulapart Ily too pookie, honestly fuck those people who disrespect you for no reason. I don't believe you did anything wrong.


Eats sand*


*dies due to the fact I can't add a song to my PL bc it was released on the app