
Hello people. I probably won't have any updates to post this year. I got sick, I hate it so much.
          	 Is it not bad luck if I'm sick when New Year falls? Eh, whatever.
          	Anyway, I wish you all good luck for next year. 
          	Thank you. :)


@IlaLocinLee I hope you recover soon! Being sick sucks (I hope it's not covid)


Oh and Happy new year


@IlaLocinLee hope u get better sending u lots of ❤ get well soon  Sending you warm wishes for a speedy recovery and lots of positive energy. Remember, rest, take care, and know that you're not alone. 
          	  From your reader


Hello people. I probably won't have any updates to post this year. I got sick, I hate it so much.
           Is it not bad luck if I'm sick when New Year falls? Eh, whatever.
          Anyway, I wish you all good luck for next year. 
          Thank you. :)


@IlaLocinLee I hope you recover soon! Being sick sucks (I hope it's not covid)


Oh and Happy new year


@IlaLocinLee hope u get better sending u lots of ❤ get well soon  Sending you warm wishes for a speedy recovery and lots of positive energy. Remember, rest, take care, and know that you're not alone. 
            From your reader


Sorry for not updating. I'm reviewing for my entrance exam so I don't think I have the time to finish the chapter that I am working on. But I'll do my best to write in my free time. 


@IlaLocinLee Don't worry about it! I have school tomorrow and I understand that you're very likely busy! Good luck!


I'm bored so......... 
          There's a 104 ways of torturing victims 
          So I come along just to test them
          And the annual problem for these types of tortures 
          Is finding a good one to try them
          Like maybe... 
          A bastard father
          Or maybe a maybe a mother
          Or someone who tortured the MC
          Discovering more ways that gives them more pain
          or something that kills them forever 
          Skinning them alive
          Pulling out their nails
          Or feeding them to the rats
          Breaking all their bones
          Thousand cuts on skin
          Or making the victims insane
          As you can see,
          There's a whole lot of stuff to do before they die that quick
          So stick with me
          'Cause these villains are gonna feel them all! 
          So stick with me
          'Cause these villains are gonna feel them all!


Mmm *taking notes* ( ughgghgg why are my emojis not sending )