
Hi Guys! 
          	Hope, you all are doing great. 
          	The sudden disappearing of books? Yes, I know about it. It was something I had to do yesterday to clean my writing section of the app as it was glitching from days. I couldn't open the writing section from past two weeks. I thought it would work after few days and it didn't. I wondered if it was because of my phone memory or the fact that my books were lengthy and more in numbers. As a result, I had to un-publish few of the books with the longest engagement span. As Misty was the recent one, it didn't need to be unpublished. 
          	I will bring back the books one by one at alternate days, starting from day August 28 so I can carefully line up the chapters in correct order and check or any other technical error. There will be a lot of notifications, possibly one for each chapter. It could be tiring/annoying for readers of other books of mine. I will be grateful for your patience. So, please cheer up. The books are safe and coming back soon like they never disappeared.  
          	About Misty's update, I have started continuing the work on it. Not updating it simply means that I failed to take out time for writing in past weeks. It was equally disappointing and annoying for me. Because the plot lives actively in my mind and heart. And I stay impatient about it for not being able to express it fully through words. The new chapter will be updated this weekend and will share my plans about Book III in the series too. 
          	Last of all, Thank you so much for always being my patient, loving and amazing readers. You all mean a lot to me. Your appreciation keeps me going ahead in life with a big smile on my face. 
          	Take care, lovelies.
          	~ Nikki <3


@Iamnikki1 nikki,love your books pls just repost 'win her heart ' and 'dangerous prince' and petals of alzelea plssss


@Iamnikki1 hey are you going to republish 'win her heart'? I wanted to re-read it so bad and when i couldn't search it on wattpad, I panicked and thought i forgot or mistyped the name. plz reply


@Iamnikki1 Nikki please get back literally begging you to please


Nikki I am back is all I am hoping please u or anyone who knows u answer up the question tell us you will come back sooner or later doesn't matter just give us hope please hanging on thin thread because Misty deserves justice 


Hey there..
          Hope you are doing well.
          Will you believe me if I say that every full moon day I remember Misty book. You have no idea how much I am living in this book...Waiting for you for years...There is no other werewolf book that has written with little details like this...this book has this traditional and modern touch ...witchiness... Ghosts... what not..
          I hope you one day come back finish this...


Painful is the wait 
          For we don't know it's fate 
          Yet the memories take us deep 
          Into rivers of bittersweet days 
          Holding a lantern deep in sea 
          Sparking up each moment 
          That they shared 
          It was a fight of justice and love 
          At the end both couldn't win 
          For the fate isn't yet sealed 
          More questions pop up 
          And my soul is craving for an answer
          Will it ever be answered? 
          If only you could let us know.  


Please Nikki come back, we miss u so much everyday. I read dangerous prince in Covid and that was the biggest support and escape way during those times. It’s my all time favourite book ever . A day doesn’t pass by when I don’t daydream about Tristan, where I don’t imagine myself wearing gowns like Anastasia and running in a castle, where I don’t think about those green eye. I miss stories of Pihu too. Please come back Nikki, please comeback