
Hi everyone!
          	How are you all?
          	It's been a long time since I last came here and posted anything. Studies are going on, life is going on...but everything just feels so monotonous to me.
          	I want to escape into a world, far away from reality. I want to grow wings and fly high in the sky.
          	I want to run into the deepest of jungles or swim into the greatest depth of the oceans.
          	I want... to be free.
          	(By the way, boards of 10th and 12th are approaching soon...best of luck to me and all of you who will be answering them!)


@Iamarmylala thank you!! <3
          	  best of luck to you to :D


Hi! It’s me Bella. I don’t know if you remember me but I randomly remembered you on a random day (I know, I’m saying the word RANDOM a lot….)  and I was just thinking of the great memories I had as a pre tee and you were one of them.  I’m so glad to have found you!! You were like my role model back then!
          Just wanted to stop by and say hello lol I know that it’s been a while….


Hey buddy ☺️
          I am a new author and I would love to have your feedback on my book.
          The book has seen some positive responses so far and it would be a great honor if you give it a read.
          Thank you for spending your valuable time❤️
          I hope you give it a read and like it ☺️❤️


Hi everyone!
          How are you all?
          It's been a long time since I last came here and posted anything. Studies are going on, life is going on...but everything just feels so monotonous to me.
          I want to escape into a world, far away from reality. I want to grow wings and fly high in the sky.
          I want to run into the deepest of jungles or swim into the greatest depth of the oceans.
          I want... to be free.
          (By the way, boards of 10th and 12th are approaching soon...best of luck to me and all of you who will be answering them!)


@Iamarmylala thank you!! <3
            best of luck to you to :D


Funny how time flies...
          Going from a 'Hi' to tear filled 'Good byes'...
          Those moments are long gone but memories stay...
          As I smile and keep moving forward day-to-day.
          Your shadow remains, your laugh resonates...
          Was this how destiny had planned out our lives...
          Like a bitter-sweet play?
          It hurts my heart, it wets my eyes but what can be done for something already so well devised?
          And as I say this again, funny how time flies...
          I open my diary to move to a new page and write...
          I miss you...
          You'll always stay in my heart, my one love true ❤


@Iamarmylala  it's so beautiful....


@Iamarmylala I'll will always be there ❤️


@Ava_kim21 Yes, it's been a long time ❤
            I am glad you are still here though!


Hi guys! How r u all?
          So...its nearly been three months or maybe more since I was last active here. I kind of disappeared without even giving any notice and I apologize for that.
          The reason for my sudden inactivity is because I feel as if I have lost all my inspiration to write. The main reason why I joined wattpad was to showcase my writing abilities and improve them. Back then, I had this longing to write books which captivated people's imagination and drew their attention.
          But now, even since this year, I have noticed that this fire and passion for writing which I once had, has now considerable lessened. Don't get me wrong, I have not run out of ideas for by books and neither am I planning to abandon my ongoing book, it's just the passion of writing that I fear I have lost.
          I have each and every detail regarding my book 'The Blue Eyed Prince' planned out in my mind but yet, everytime I sit down and try to write my thoughts into words and post  a new chapter, I feel lost, as if I dont know what to write. I guess, I am suffering a major writers block right now.
          For all those who have not forgotten my existence here, a big hug from my side to you ❤
          And to all those who are waiting for me to update my ongoing book; just give me some more time. I'll try my best to come out of the writers block I am suffering and regain my passion for writing. 
          Love u all and dont forget that you are beautiful and unique in your own way~


reading your story now and honestly, you are missed. hope all is well <3


@Iamarmylala I'm glad your doing well! I totally understand your problem so don't feel to pressured. I'll always be here to support your writing.♥