
          	I posted on lingling40hrs, and I would appreciate some love and support.
          	Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/lingling40hrs/comments/ifo9w8/twoset_logo_reimagined/


@IamYourPeeve BTW, congrats yourself on having a new follower!!


@IamYourPeeve Sure!! I am also a r/linglingwannabe!! SUPPORT TWOSET GUYS!!


          I posted on lingling40hrs, and I would appreciate some love and support.
          Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/lingling40hrs/comments/ifo9w8/twoset_logo_reimagined/


@IamYourPeeve BTW, congrats yourself on having a new follower!!


@IamYourPeeve Sure!! I am also a r/linglingwannabe!! SUPPORT TWOSET GUYS!!


Posted TWO 100 Followers Special, and I urge you to go check them out.
          They're on my Behind the Scenes/Q&A book.
          Out of everything I've written, I would really like you to check those out specifically.
          Still, it's cool if you don't want to.
          Thanks again, so so much for blessing me with such a milestone.
          Lots and lots of love <3


O N E  H U N D R E D F O L L O W E R S ! ?
          How? Why? *confused screaming*
          Thank you. So much. I can't tell you all how much this means to me.
          Tho I can't understand W H Y I got to 100 followers, I am still, so very grateful for every single one of you <3 <3


@asktheduck That is very kind of you ;-; Thank you so very much, lots of love <3


@IamYourPeeve aww you deserve this so don’t question it. and it’s all of us who should be thanking you for writing your beautiful works of art and sharing them. it can get discouraging sometimes, but you can push through! stay safe ❤️


I am so very tempted to say g o o d - b y e


@IamYourPeeve Frankly you've given more than the universe itself in your gift for writing and your beautiful personality. Please take care, stay happy and remember to appreciate the things in life, and most importantly, YOU. Again, I wish there was a bigger word than thank you, because you've contributed and created so many beautiful things and ideas in your works.


@Ebonyzhu12 That is very kind of you to say. Tho I hardly believe I made that much of an impact on the Breddy ship. I never really do leave that much of an impact anywhere. Pretty soon, you'll all move on to newer, better fics and that's just life, isn't it? I do want to thank you for everything - for the love, and the support for my sub-par...mildly passable works. I appreciate every single one of you, every single upvote, every single comment. I'm just sorry I couldn't give more.


@LizzypoO0 Oh please, spam away. My only ongoing project is the Behind the Scenes book, and I'm not exactly sure I'm going to continue it anymore. I really feel like it was more a project for myself than for anyone else, and I've never really been good at keeping up things that I do for myself.. so.. I don't know. I am okay tho. Don't worry about me, your time and attention is much better spent elsewhere :)


! IMPORTANT - ish !
          I added an image to the It's You spin-off story called "Trademark", to give you guys a visual for what I imagine Edward Cotton's scroll engravings would have looked like.
          Just go to the story and scroll down a bit, you'll see the image right there.
          Hope you guys like it! :)


Was away for a while because I was sick.
          Opened Wattpad again to find over 50 notifications..
          Overwhelming, indeed.


@LizzypoO0 That is awfully nice of you to say. And I do appreciate it. And if it makes you feel any better, I have been trying to catch up on sleep hehehe~


@IamYourPeeve I don't care what miracles are involved, i'm glad you're still with us <3 However, you should still try to take better care of yourself because you deserve better. Always.


@LizzypoO0 I am okay. Got sick again shortly after, but it's all good. Unfortunately, I've never really had a healthy sleep pattern, and I really do neglect myself physically - it's a miracle I am still alive. And don't worry about the haters, they're all dead to me.


Just going to pretend people care about this..
          I might.. I MIGHT discontinue or even delete the Behind the Scenes/Q&A Book.. It was a fun idea, and I enjoyed working on the first parts.. but I don't know..
          I don't really think many out there are reading it, or even if they do, I don't think it's something they enjoy reading..
          But I don't know yet.. I'm still deciding.
          K. Bye.


@IamYourPeeve :(( i hope whatever decision you make, you are happy with it. :)


          I had to fight to log into my account this evening.
          I am not sure if I had been hacked, and if I have, I don't know if there is any damage at all.
          The last time I was here was last July 16 around 6PM. 
          Please note that any and all activity from my account around July 16 after 6PM to July 19 10PM were not from me.
          So far, I don't think my works have been affected at all, so I am glad about that.
          But still. If there are any, if at all, strange activity from my account within the above mentioned time frame, please let me know.
          Thank you.


@buttercream115 Ohh, I see. Thanks for the info ^_^


@IamYourPeeve There was a recent data breach on Wattpad. A few days ago, a lot of people couldn't login to their accounts and had to change password (including me, and I thought I was the only one LOL).


@IamYourPeeve I will keep my eyes peeled. Hope it gets fixed.


          @asktheduck is the first to correctly guess which line of dialogue in A Hundred Years was incorporated from a novel.
          I am still waiting for two others to guess it right :D
          To reiterate, those who can guess correctly will either be granted one wish, or can ask me any question at all with the guarantee of an honest answer.
          Comment here, on the story itself, or directly message me your guess UwU