
          	First one, If you’ve read ‘Challenge Accepted’ and are wondering what happened to B, your in for a surprise later on.
          	Second one, two chapters will be out for ‘Smutshots and Oneshots’ in a few days.
          	Third one, I want to finish writing ‘A Hateful Love’ before publishing it so you don’t have to wait for me to keep updating and so I can take my time to make something you all deserve.
          	Finally, I still love you all with my whole heart
          	Love- Ruby


          First one, If you’ve read ‘Challenge Accepted’ and are wondering what happened to B, your in for a surprise later on.
          Second one, two chapters will be out for ‘Smutshots and Oneshots’ in a few days.
          Third one, I want to finish writing ‘A Hateful Love’ before publishing it so you don’t have to wait for me to keep updating and so I can take my time to make something you all deserve.
          Finally, I still love you all with my whole heart
          Love- Ruby


this message may be offensive
          I know I’ve been quiet on here, but I’m gonna speak up about this- I have too. Not only am I black, but I am also Native American and Hispanic, I am also pansexual, so my rights have been fought for. So yeah, my ancestors were very oppressed and taken advantage of.
          Black lives matter. BLACK LIVES MATTER. WE KNOW that all lives matter and we never said that they didn’t, the media might have said that we’re saying ‘only black lives matter’ but we’re not. If you haven’t been oppressed and taken advantage of for years, be happy and use your privilege to spread awareness of the FACTUAL things and not the opinionated things.
          I live in Minnesota, I know what’s going on. Black lives matter. If you don’t like it, unfollow, don’t read my shit, I’m not gonna stop you from leaving.
          We’ve tried peaceful protest, they still shot at us. We tried peaceful protests, they still hated us. We’ve tried peaceful protests, we still weren’t heard. Our protests are being turned into riots by the police, we’re then heard but taken advantage of from the media and we’ve been turned bad.
          Cops are vandalizing, they’re also the ones who started the fires. If a store was broken into, white suprematists would be the first ones in. But we’re getting blamed.
          Black lives matter. Don’t like it? Leave. I don’t want you here.


@I_dont_know_either_9 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Thank youuu black lives do matter and we’re not even trying to take away all lives matter. Blacks are still fighting for justice once we get that justice Then we can say all lives. 