I talk about myself so much the first word on autocomplete is "I" . I hate that about myself so much the second word is "sorry" .

I don't know how to start a bio properly while looking formal and shit so this is the best you're getting.

Don't take my profanity as a sign I don't like you. I swear at everyone.

I live in a country that voted to leave the EU and named a grit machine "Gritsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Anti-Slip Machiney" . I only support one of these decisions and hooo let me tell you it is not the first one.
I like stereotypical English shit like Russel Howard, tea, apologizing, Jack Whitehall and whatever else English people are supposed to like.

I'm filled with random bits of useless knowledge saved for quiz nights at the pub. Every first Thursday of the month come at me.

I love birds. Don't get me started on talking about them... Unless you want advice. In which case, ask away.

Maybe one day I'll get off my lazy ass and write something worth reading but ha no.
  • Outside your window, let me the fuck in it’s cold as shit out here
  • JoinedFebruary 12, 2019
