
I want to spin by and thank you guys for the support and kindness you all sent me when I announced my hiatus. I really appreciate the understanding, I'm truly grateful for such a supportive group of people here. Especially @abbietung11 , @Wildflower093 , @Bard13 , @BotW_Champion_Link , and @skycloudrain101 . Your kind messages made me smile, and I needed that. 
          	I also wanted to clear up a small misunderstanding that some sent me, probably due to a lack of clarity on my part lol 
          	I'm not deleting this account, nor will I ever. I'm not leaving, just taking the responsibility of writing fanfiction here off of my shoulders. My presence will be less, but not gone. 
          	I hope that makes more sense, thank you all once again. Stay safe, and see you whenever I see you next!


          	  You are so welcome! I'm really glad we made you smile :)
          	  Oh okay, that's a relief! I was kind of worried you might leave and be gone forever, which I really, REALLY do not want to happen.
          	  You stay safe as well :)
          	  <3 <3 <3


You’re welcome. I’m glad we were able to put a smile on your face.
          	  And that explanation makes sense, but I grasped that you wouldn’t do anything from your previous post. That said, I can see where clarity was needed lol.
          	  You stay safe too!


Hi awesome person!
          Just wanted to say I hope you're doing well. Still praying for you and wishing you the best <3
          Here are some facts to brighten up any bad days you might be having:
          1) You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL inside and out
          2) I was rereading some of OoaC and it made me laugh so hard to look back on my old comments and your responses that brought smiles to my face. You were one of the first friends I ever made on Wattpad, and I'm so lucky to have you
          3) You are so strong and brave to deal with all the stuff you've been dealing with, I know I'm not that brave, so you're incredible!
          And unfortunately I have to go now, but I will be back later with some more! :D


Hello! ❤️
          I just wanted to say, again, keep taking care of yourself. If you have Tears of the Kingdom by now, play it all you want. Your health is so important and we all love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
          I hope everything is going as wonderful as you are :)


          I have no idea if or when you'll see this, and please know you don't need to respond because I know you've got a lot of things going on, but I thought that I'd send you a quick message.
          I just wanted to let you know that I'm still thinking about you very much, and I really hope everything is going well. I haven't stopped praying for you.
          I hope that you will be able to return soon, but no pressure - please take as much time as you need.
          We're all still thinking of you and we hope everything is good and fine where you are.
          God bless you, @HylianAtHeart :)
          <3 <3 <3


I want to spin by and thank you guys for the support and kindness you all sent me when I announced my hiatus. I really appreciate the understanding, I'm truly grateful for such a supportive group of people here. Especially @abbietung11 , @Wildflower093 , @Bard13 , @BotW_Champion_Link , and @skycloudrain101 . Your kind messages made me smile, and I needed that. 
          I also wanted to clear up a small misunderstanding that some sent me, probably due to a lack of clarity on my part lol 
          I'm not deleting this account, nor will I ever. I'm not leaving, just taking the responsibility of writing fanfiction here off of my shoulders. My presence will be less, but not gone. 
          I hope that makes more sense, thank you all once again. Stay safe, and see you whenever I see you next!


            You are so welcome! I'm really glad we made you smile :)
            Oh okay, that's a relief! I was kind of worried you might leave and be gone forever, which I really, REALLY do not want to happen.
            You stay safe as well :)
            <3 <3 <3


You’re welcome. I’m glad we were able to put a smile on your face.
            And that explanation makes sense, but I grasped that you wouldn’t do anything from your previous post. That said, I can see where clarity was needed lol.
            You stay safe too!


          I know you're not here to respond to this, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you :)


            Of course! <3
            I don't have discord, but I think I'll ask my parents if I can get it. A couple of others have asked me, so if I can, I definitely will.


@BotW_Champion_Link I'm still here, I'm sorry if I wasn't clear in my message lol I'm not going anywhere, just not writing at the moment. I really, really appreciate the thoughts and prayers, you are so kind 
            Do you have discord btw? Because if you ever wanted, we could talk a bit easier there, only if you would want to. Just wanted to put it out there (:


Greetings, tis I, the bearer of bad news 
          So basically- I'm taking a big break from Wattpad. Maybe a permanent one. 
          Now, I love this place. I love the people I've met here, the work I've done, the work I've read. But I'm really losing a grip, and need to stop and be a bit more honest with myself and the few that pay attention to my dwindling account. Writing is one of my favorite pastimes. But fanfiction just isn't giving me the same thrill as it did before. I blame this one on my mental health (not the greatest right now) and the situation I'm living in. I'm at a point where the things I love aren't as exciting anymore, and being stressed by hobbies really isn't the point of hobbies now, is it? I'm living paycheck to paycheck, day by stressful day, practically swimming in personal issues. I just lost my brother, who left and snuck off to live somewhere else he deemed better. I say this all to help justify me taking writing responsibilities (not that I've been updating well anyway) off my shoulders officially for a while. 
          So I'm on an official hiatus. I kinda just want someone to feed me and tell me I'm pretty at this point. But seriously, I'll still be present, as in trying to catch up with stories I love here and there. I just can't say when I'm really back to writing. Or writing fanfiction for that matter. I want to finish "The Wonders of a Flower Shop" but idk 
          When I do come back, I might even start an original or two. At the moment, that idea is much more appealing. We shall see, eventually..... 
          Sorry to leave (again) but cheers to life and all its delightful surprises. Stay safe and thanks for the understanding. Hopefully, see you all soon and in a better condition 
          - Mary


@HylianAtHeart very late but just wanted to let u know you are so strong. Please take all the time u need, mental health always comes first ♡ we all understand 


@HylianAtHeart Well, we all wish you didn't have to go, but one must do right for themselves first and foremost if you feel this the best thing to do as of now then I wish you all the luck in the world and the best. If there is by some chance you don't have to do this, then consider it.  So i hope you don't delete your account. A hiatus isn't so bad but a deletion would be a terrible loss for your fans/friends. 
            You have lots of support here, though many of us are strangers, we still support you and your work just the same. Remember that.
            Lastly, we all have our off days, weeks and even months. Sounds to me you're in a transition from one stage of life into the next and that can be stressful for anyone. You are most certainly right, hobbies should relax and bring joy to you, not bog you down with stress. I fell sort of in that same rut before as well. Don't feel like you have to rush and complete your works here. After all, it's just fanfiction and as much as people enjoy it, it shouldn't take away from your own happiness. Cheers and goodluck, see ya around when the sun shines again. And it will!


It's okay.
            Really, it is.
            Your stories aren't the thing we love the most about this account; it's YOU. And if you need time to help yourself, then please take it.
            I'm really sorry for all these stressful things going on in your life. I can't imagine what all that stuff must feel like.
            Remember we're all here for you, okay?
            I have no plans to delete my account, so I'll be on here a lot in the future if you ever need someone to talk to.
            Thanks for telling us instead of disappearing; it can't have been easy for you.
            You are an awesome, beautiful person who makes Wattpad a brighter place and we all love you so much - don't forget that.
            We will be here if you decide to continue to use this app, but if you don't, I'm really grateful I got the chance to know you.
            I'll be praying for you.
            Take care of yourself, okay? And don't worry about ANYTHING on here.
            <3 <3 <3
            ^ I would spam you with hearts, but I don't want to bug you, so these ones will have to do :)


Hey guys! I'm proud to say that chapter 2 of "The Wonders of a Flower Shop" has just been published! I apologize for the wait, this month has been incredibly hectic and stressful, so my productivity was sadly hindered. The support, patience, and kind thoughts I've received have been most helpful. The chapter is 5.3 k words, and I'm quite proud of it lol I hope you guys find it worth the wait. Thanks again, I look forward to your feedback. Have a great rest of your night/day/morning (:      - Mary


            That's awesome! I'll read that right now!
            I'm glad you got a chance to write, even though it sounds like you're having a busy summer. And don't worry about the wait - life gets crazy sometimes :)
            You have a great day, too!


@HylianAtHeart oh my gosh! i'm so sorry for not seeing this until now. first off i am SO incredibly proud of you for working your butt off on this book. you are an inspiration to us all. second thank you for such beautiful work! i'm so in love with your writing haha. love ya to the moon and back!!


@skycloudrain101 lol you made me double think my meager counting skills for a second. I have two chapters, the first published thing was my author’s note in the beginning. (: I hope that clears it up 
            Actually wait no I typed the wrong number lmao thank you for catching that it says chapter 2 now haha thanks 


sooooooo it's been a month and a half of inactivity!!! But guess what!?? My summer break has started, and today is the first day!!!! 
          I am sorry for dropping the first chapter of a new book and then going silent. Now that I can take a break from the headache we call school, that will resume with an actually solid update schedule. Also, to the writers whose stories I started then just quit reading, it wasn't cause I lost interest, I lost the time in the whirlwind of finishing the school year. I can now catch up, and I look forward to doing so. 
          Funny thing- at the end of the school ceremony my school holds, I won the award for being the most prominent writer of all the high schoolers. I found this hilarious because the majority of my practice comes from writing fanfiction. Moral of the story: writing fanfiction (particularly Zelda, obviously) = better grades 
          This will be a very difficult summer for me, so I'm looking forward to finding respite in being more active on Wattpad for a bit. I certainly miss it and look forward to whatever nonsense I come up with (: 
          Final note- I recently purchased a  Nintendo online membership for myself, and wondered if anyone was interested in exchanging friend codes?? After all, its summer, so tis the season for videogames :)


@BotW_Champion_Link aww, thank you for the thought then! And the prayers really mean a lot, I’m sure they’ll make a difference in their own way (: don’t sweat it if your dad doesn’t have one, I was just asking to see if anyone wanted to connect in that way or play some game at one point lol it’s all good either way! I hope you have a great day too, and that the last too have been fine too (: 


            Oh, yay, you're back! :D
            Actually, the other day I was thinking about how you hadn't posted anything in a while and I was going to send you a message just to see how you were doing, but the end of school distracted me. . . oops.
            Eh, don't worry about it! Life gets real busy sometimes. And "the headache we call school" might be my new favorite saying lol
            That's awesome! Congrats!
            I'm glad you look forward to a break on Wattpad, but. . . a difficult summer? Hmm. . .well, I'll be praying that whatever is making it difficult for you works out well or isn't as bad as you're expecting.  :)
            I don't think I have an online membership. . . hmm, maybe I'll ask my dad. . . I think he has one.
            Have a nice day! :)


congrats on your writing achievement too!


Happy Easter Everyone! I hope this is a great holiday for everyone who celebrates or a great holiday for those celebrating a different holiday! Or if you aren't celebrating anything, have a great day anyway! 
          I actually got to spend it in the ER lol 
          I'm home and getting better but I'm just going to say this to those paying attention- If you have something wrong with you that's been happening for a while, don't keep it to yourself, talk to someone.  Get some help. There is no shame in getting the help that you need or a little special attention. Or you might end up passing out in church and spending Easter morning in the ER on an IV 
          Please learn from this lesson to whoever needs to. Keeping secrets safe don't always keep you safe (:


            Okay, good! I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling better! Take it easy for a while :)  I'll keep praying for you!
            Have a great day :)


@HylianAtHeart MARY OH MY GOSH  I’m so sorry!! I’ll send healing thoughts all the time!! Please be okay :((( like someone else said, we all care about you so much. You’re super special and we love you