
Hello to anyone who still remembers that this club existed~
          	Since we haven't seriously written TKSPP since 2022, and most of us have grown out of the fandom and frankly forgotten about this account altogether, I think it's safe to say that our stories here are discontinued (with the exception of AWWP, which it looks like Sabine is still writing). This is something that we put a lot of love and care into when we were younger, but... I guess you always grow out of things :)
          	None of the OG crew (CG, Isla, Raelin, Eliana, Beth, Clarisse) ever check this account anymore, so I figured I would make a formal post acknowledging that fact. The Hunkyhair Fan Club feels like a relic of our early years on Wattpad, and it's so crazy how it brought us all together as friends.
          	This club holds so many wild memories for me, and I know it touched the others in the same way. It's always bittersweet to say goodbye.
          	- Ginger AKA CG


I’m actually crying right now, I joined this back when I was still super far into the fandom and now I’m here to see it leave, this was a massive part of my life for months and I hate to see it go, I truly love you and everyone else on the team, thank you guys for making me happy for so long. Keefe lives on forever, and so do the memories of this club, I wish you all the best, and I’ll remember this club until the day I die. Hypno, Signing off for the day, and maybe forever, good luck everyone.


@HunkyhairFanClub awww, I'm happy for your memories although it is a small pity as I love theKeefe Sence Protection program book 


@HunkyhairFanClub this club reminds me of my earlier time on wattpad... 


Hello to anyone who still remembers that this club existed~
          Since we haven't seriously written TKSPP since 2022, and most of us have grown out of the fandom and frankly forgotten about this account altogether, I think it's safe to say that our stories here are discontinued (with the exception of AWWP, which it looks like Sabine is still writing). This is something that we put a lot of love and care into when we were younger, but... I guess you always grow out of things :)
          None of the OG crew (CG, Isla, Raelin, Eliana, Beth, Clarisse) ever check this account anymore, so I figured I would make a formal post acknowledging that fact. The Hunkyhair Fan Club feels like a relic of our early years on Wattpad, and it's so crazy how it brought us all together as friends.
          This club holds so many wild memories for me, and I know it touched the others in the same way. It's always bittersweet to say goodbye.
          - Ginger AKA CG


I’m actually crying right now, I joined this back when I was still super far into the fandom and now I’m here to see it leave, this was a massive part of my life for months and I hate to see it go, I truly love you and everyone else on the team, thank you guys for making me happy for so long. Keefe lives on forever, and so do the memories of this club, I wish you all the best, and I’ll remember this club until the day I die. Hypno, Signing off for the day, and maybe forever, good luck everyone.


@HunkyhairFanClub awww, I'm happy for your memories although it is a small pity as I love theKeefe Sence Protection program book 


@HunkyhairFanClub this club reminds me of my earlier time on wattpad... 


Hey yall guess who it is: SabineWren26! I know I've been gone for, like, forever. I know I've stopped posting content and stuff, but let me give yall the rundown:
          ~I went to a dance intensive over the summer for a few weeks. No Wattpad, because I didn't have my computer or the time
          ~I came back to school, and Wattpad was BLOCKED :0
          ~Because I was using my school password to log in, now I can't access my account anymore :(
          ~And so, for the past few months or so I have been really busy with school, dance, and the millions of clubs I do
          ~Recently, I've been missing writing, so I decided to start again
          ~For now, I will ONLY be writing on @theepicpotatoes and @HunkyHairFanClub, and picking up on the books that I was writing then
          ~If you want to message me, do so on one of those accounts
          ~I miss yall, and thank you <3333
          It will be updated a little slower though <333333333


Can you please update the world without power book it is awesome and I want to finish it and I love your writing.!?.!?


Okay thank you so much and I will


@iluvdexiana Hey! We're so glad you like the book, the writers are working hard and will update it on their own time! In the meantime, feel free to check out our other books, "The Hidden Cities" and "The Keefe Sencen Protection Program"!


Y'all... I can't believe it's taken seven months to say this again... but the next chapter of the Protection Program is finally finished!! It will (hopefully!!) be published tomorrow after some final edits, and stay tuned because this one is a doozy! Love y'all, and we can't thank you enough for being patient with us.
          Hugs and kisses, THHFC


Chapter 3 of A World Without Power out now - sorry for the long wait!
          GHOST pov!!!


@HunkyhairFanClub scary (this is me from my real acc sry too lazy to log in hehe)


@HunkyhairFanClub Thanks! (You better bring Bronte back or the person dies )