
I have opened a new server! I cordially invite you to Ilvermorny - Our One True Home!
          	This is an original take on Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, set in the year 1984 and leading into 1985! The wizarding war in Europe had been over for quite a few years now, and with the death of ‘He who shall not be named,’ there has been a social shift in the wizarding world across the globe. In the United States for example, MUSCA has recently (1965) repealed Rappaport’s Law which forbade Wizards and witches from intermingling with muggles… As such a new influx of half-bloods have entered Ilvermorny causing some parents and even some other students concern for their safety. Tensions between the no-maj and wizarding community are at an all time high, while some wizards choose to blatantly ignore these worries.
          	However, it seems as though No-Majs' aren't the only threat to Ilvermorny students this year, as a mysterious threat seems to be looming over the school! Will the headmistress and her curse breaker be able to solve the mystery before anyone else gets hurt? Or will it be up to the students to solve the mystery!
          	Come join us and find out... 


I have opened a new server! I cordially invite you to Ilvermorny - Our One True Home!
          This is an original take on Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, set in the year 1984 and leading into 1985! The wizarding war in Europe had been over for quite a few years now, and with the death of ‘He who shall not be named,’ there has been a social shift in the wizarding world across the globe. In the United States for example, MUSCA has recently (1965) repealed Rappaport’s Law which forbade Wizards and witches from intermingling with muggles… As such a new influx of half-bloods have entered Ilvermorny causing some parents and even some other students concern for their safety. Tensions between the no-maj and wizarding community are at an all time high, while some wizards choose to blatantly ignore these worries.
          However, it seems as though No-Majs' aren't the only threat to Ilvermorny students this year, as a mysterious threat seems to be looming over the school! Will the headmistress and her curse breaker be able to solve the mystery before anyone else gets hurt? Or will it be up to the students to solve the mystery!
          Come join us and find out... 


I am going to be posting a new story tomorrow for the first time in a long time! Its going to be a werewolf story and I hope you all enjoy it. I tried to stay away from the cringe worth tropes of the genre, but please give it a quick read and let me know what you think! Also, if there is a story I haven't finished that you want me to continue then please let me know and I'll try and tackle that when I get a chance. I hope you're all having a wonderful summer!