
I really misjudged all the authors that go on long hiatuses for school reasons. During college it’s really hard to find the time to sit down and write a book from front to back, however I have found inspiration to write shorts here and there..... I’ll be expanding on them. Hopefully we’ll be looking at a draft of my Xlydian series soon!
          	Much love


I really misjudged all the authors that go on long hiatuses for school reasons. During college it’s really hard to find the time to sit down and write a book from front to back, however I have found inspiration to write shorts here and there..... I’ll be expanding on them. Hopefully we’ll be looking at a draft of my Xlydian series soon!
          Much love


Hey guys,
          So long time no see, am I right? It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and I wanted to give an update:
          First off, you all may have noticed some changes to my account, specifically the name change. I will now no longer go by my pin-name of Cass Wilde. So hello, my name is Caitlyn how are you? 
          Also, in my hiatus, I published my first book titled _Dunklin Drive, A History_ , I graduated high school, moved on from journalism, started college, began a new job that I absolutely love, and now I’m working toward my screenwriting (and maybe even travel writing!) ambitions! 
          I’m thinking about making my published book available on this app, let me know what you guys think!
          Thanks to all of my followers, love you all (I mean how could I not?)
          Stay groovy 


So.... Update on the new story.
          I ran into a problem when uploading the first chapter onto Wattpad. My chapter was close to 40 pages long on a mobile device, way too much to read in one sitting for ~most~ readers on the go. So, the editing has taken a bit longer than planned.
          However! There is a good side to this! My long first chapter will now bleed into the second, making my next update come sooner than expected! Yay!


Major editing is underway for my new story! I've had a few colleagues read over the first chapter for review and I've gotten some really great feedback! I'm very excited to share this new project of mine with everyone here! 


A Hunter In Me is down for editing, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It will be back up at a later date. I am currently working on a story I've been writing on an off for about 6 years, so I hope y'all enjoy it once it's out! Updates on its status soon to come!