
 Dear Everyone,
          	       I am sorry to say that I'm taking a break from Wattpad and don't know when I'll be back. I just wanted to let everyone in my LGBTQ+ Community that I love them. Specifically @ashlike, @NightcoreDorkie15, @Http_SoftBoy, @Http_CrybabyBitch, and everyone else in the LGBTQ chat room. This surprise absence hopefully won't be long, but I love all of my followers and friends. You guys have been the closest thing to family that I've had. I love all of you.
          	P.S. Can't say it enough, but I love you guys.
          	- Love Http_RaggedyAndy
          	Aka: Daniel "Andy" Wright


 Dear Everyone,
                 I am sorry to say that I'm taking a break from Wattpad and don't know when I'll be back. I just wanted to let everyone in my LGBTQ+ Community that I love them. Specifically @ashlike, @NightcoreDorkie15, @Http_SoftBoy, @Http_CrybabyBitch, and everyone else in the LGBTQ chat room. This surprise absence hopefully won't be long, but I love all of my followers and friends. You guys have been the closest thing to family that I've had. I love all of you.
          P.S. Can't say it enough, but I love you guys.
          - Love Http_RaggedyAndy
          Aka: Daniel "Andy" Wright