
So, I'm writing a chapter and one of the characters mentions wanting to be deleted from life. Should I put a trigger warning for that? It's one sentence but I wanna make sure since I have no idea what triggers people, due to having the emotional understanding of a rock. Thank you. 


@HowDidILandHere that depends on your preferences. I personally would put it in both the desc. and the top of the chapter.


@that_one_whore597 Do I put it in the description or do I put it at the beginning of the chapter?


@HowDidILandHere put brief serious topics( that way you can say that it was mentioned)


So, I'm writing a chapter and one of the characters mentions wanting to be deleted from life. Should I put a trigger warning for that? It's one sentence but I wanna make sure since I have no idea what triggers people, due to having the emotional understanding of a rock. Thank you. 


@HowDidILandHere that depends on your preferences. I personally would put it in both the desc. and the top of the chapter.


@that_one_whore597 Do I put it in the description or do I put it at the beginning of the chapter?


@HowDidILandHere put brief serious topics( that way you can say that it was mentioned)


to the writers here, does anyone have advice on how to get out of a writers block while having the emotional stability of a grass leaf? I'd appreciate it :))


@HowDidILandHere my idea is to like put on lesson video's of the class on YouTube that bored you the most and have that play in the background and you might get over it as i get the best idea's at  school.


@HowDidILandHere You could also just take a break for a day or two, going outside or watching your favorite movie/series. You can also read other fanfics or books. Don’t forget to drink your favorite drink, like hot chocolate or something or maybe tea, while you’re at it. It brings comfort… That always helped me. I hope you get out of that writers block soon! 


@HowDidILandHere I currently have it too


Hi @HowDidILandHere.
          Your fanfoc is amazing! I hope I can translate it to Vitenamese so readers in Việt Nam can read it. Of course i can't translate it without your permission. So, pleassssss say yes


Yeah, of course! Thank you so much for enjoying my fanfic, have a nice day!


Hello! Yes, I am unfortunately still alive lmao. 
          This is for everyone reading my remake of my first fanfic (which is the only one still uploaded since the others were so badly written I wanted to yeet my phone out the window):
          I know it’s been a long time since the last chapter and I‘m really sorry for that but I didn’t want to write a chapter without motivation, since that would just make the chapter be poorly written (Is that grammatically correct?). 
          But! I have found motivation through an idea I had and I’m almost done with the chapter. I had 3 tests this week (still have one tommorow) so that’s that. I need to finish and proof read but I promise, it’s really long to make up for the long wait! 
          Thanks for reading my bad fanfics, have a nice day!


Turns out: I lied. I’m so sorry, something came up and uhm I’m feeling like absolute garbage rn. You will get a chapter but it will take a bit longer I‘m sorry 


          *winkt fröhlich*
          Da du mir folgst, habe ich nun die große Ehre, dich herzlich auf meinem Account willkommen zu heißen<33 Du bist herzlich dazu eingeladen, meine Geschichten zu lesen, wenn du möchtest. Ansonsten hoffe ich einfach, dass du dich auf meinem Account wohl fühlst^-^
          *umarmt dich und drückt dich ganz dolle*
          Noch einen ganz tollen Tag wünsche ich dir, du kleines Sternchen!❤
          Bye Bye


Haha danke *umarmt zurück*


I send an angel to watch over you yesterday but they came back. I asked them 'Why?' they chuckled, 'Angels don't watch over other angels'. 20 angels are in the world, 10 of them are sleeping, 9 of them aren't and 1 is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling some days, it's over. A blessing is coming you're way. If you believe in Karma, send this to 14 friends, including me. If I don't get this back, I'm not one of them. (As soon as you get 5 back, someone you love will quietly surprise you) pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. Karma is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in karma, drop everything and pass this on. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Send this to 14 friends. Whoever you send it to you must care for them.
          hope this made your day!


a star has five ends. a square has four ends. a triangle has
          three ends. a line has two ends, but the circle of our friendship
          has two ends. send this to all of your friends (including me if
          i'm one). if you get five back, you're a good friend. if you get
          ten back, you're popular, and if you get fifteen back, then