
Good morning, everyone. I apologize for how inactive I've been the last three months. School started back up again and I have been focusing on my school work. Thank you for your patience with me and your support. I will try to crank out as many chapters as I can over the next few weeks as a little apology. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Good morning, everyone. I apologize for how inactive I've been the last three months. School started back up again and I have been focusing on my school work. Thank you for your patience with me and your support. I will try to crank out as many chapters as I can over the next few weeks as a little apology. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Holy hell! '14202 Total Reads' with 15/16 parts currently published (16th is a draft). I've been fairly busy with getting my market rabbits ready for fair this coming week so I haven't had time to update or write, and you all managed to bring the reading count of 'The Wheels Of Fate Are Always Turning' up to 14,202? I am truly thankful for the support you all have given me as I continue to write this story. Between the reads and the votes and comments, your interactions are always giving me the encouragement to write. And I know this comment will likely jinx it, but I've only had ONE reader leave a nasty comment (it was on a filler chapter, I'm not too surprised). Thank you to all of my followers and my readers! I hope you all continue to have a wonderful summer and, to those celebrating, have a wonderful Fourth of July!


I'm back! For the first time since April, I am updating! I apologize for the sudden hiatus. I got locked out of my account on my phone, my laptop, AND my tablet so I was unable to update and/or let you know why I have not updated. For the rest of the summer, I will be using my dad's computer because I won't get a new one until school starts so... I look forward to updating my current stories as well as bringing forward some new ones... Thank you for taking the time to read this little announcement. Time to get back to writing!


A few new stories have been added in recent months. Currently, I will be publishing chapters in bulk to keep you all busy. In the coming months, my school schedule will be extra hectic with graduation and state testing coming up. Enjoy the stories up! "A Mother Never Forgets" is also on, if you would like to check my account out on there.