
I looked at what I had for Awaken Chaos and realized that for one of the version I posted here I missed posting 3 chapters and just went on posting the most recent chapters, which means there's a jump in chapters XD. What was I smoking when I made that mistake????? XD


I looked at what I had for Awaken Chaos and realized that for one of the version I posted here I missed posting 3 chapters and just went on posting the most recent chapters, which means there's a jump in chapters XD. What was I smoking when I made that mistake????? XD


I haven't been posting anything on here lately because I've been going through some heavy stuff and then got busy with school work. I have been posting on Deviant art though... But yeah, I don't feel like posting on a site that promotes romance and smute...


I guess people are announcing their bio now... When they can just redo their bio... I've been writing since I was maybe 5 years old. I've tried to do college twice (did fairly well), have posted plenty of novellas here, and love to mostly write fiction horror. How'd I do?


Dear wattpad, you need to get your crap together. You can afford to have your own event, you can afford to pay some members, but you can't afford proper security? 
          You should be ashamed! 
          That's it, that's the last straw. I'll be going through the process of taking everything down and deleting this account. Good bye wattpad, you piece of crap.


@AnuragAman049 I'd like to do it on my day off or something, but work is getting crazy and I have art fight to think about -_-


@Kyyu3099 yep. That includes my account too. 


If anyone is not doing so well in getting readers on wattpad or if you know someone, I know of a great publishing site that gives writers a better chance of publicity. It's called RoyalRoad.com.
          I got 1.1k more views on RoyalRoad in the span of a few months more than I did on wattpad in the span of 1.5 years. 
          RoyalRoad.com yall.
          Cheers Mates! <3