
My writing style changed so much. Just read my initial fics & current one's that I'm writing and damn. Why was I like that back then 


Look like something new is coming in forbidden story 


@ArpitaMishra141 since i wrote mafia's obsession for a longer span some things changed. now i really want to write another version that i had in my mind for that story - that's FORBIDDEN for you


I'm writing some new stories but it's kind of all over the place. Three books are in top priority. So my plan is to do 16 chapters for each like k-dramas and make long chapters. It's gonna take a long time but I'll upload those books when they are fully written. 


@Authornim07 there are about three chapters left. I've scheduled them for September


author when you’re gonna complete the book my bodyguard…please tell


Author when will you update HER SECRET LOVE AFFAIR. It's so interesting... please reply


@HopeWorldCreations you are such a nice autor you consider your readers so much. You uploaded the part within an hour. So proud of you....


@ridhima__08 uploaded. i'll try for frequent updates but i'm kind of busy so they can be delayed


Oh dear author I am reading your ff from long time like you uploaded on YouTube and then you bring me to this world the wattapd world where all my delulu were feeds hehe and I am thankful for it for introducing me this community really now read stories here and not on YouTube. And thanks for it. And yah you're stories has been amazing the lines the quotes the morals is just great and mind blowing. The story line for mafia obsession was great. I truly say I may have forgeted the some other left over or incompleted stories from other author but yours are always remember and I really check to get any update. Take your time and do best. Hope you are doing very fine and well. Wish you good luck love ❤❤❤❤


@ArpitaMishra141 . I'm really happy that you love my books. It's really an honour. I'm sorry for not being able to update regularly. I hope you are doing good too. Thank you for your appreciation ❤️


          It's me again
          So I kinda know that I'm too bad at being regular but here's a deal.
          I'm planning on completing
          My Bodyguard
          Never Fall In Love With Your Best friend
          Love Maze - s2 of Love Equations
          My exams end on 8th May...so maybe after that I'll update these stories.
          And I'm not abandoning my baby MAFIA'S Obsession. I'll upload the new parts plus the one's on YouTube too will be uploaded.
          I'll edit the story after finishing it completely.
          Lastly would you prefer a gangster story but this time the female lead is more inclined towards being not that strong. 
          Or she's mysterious...


@HopeWorldCreations there's been so much on my plate reading has been a very far far thoughttttt, but I'm so glad you're updating your worksss, I'll defo be reading them when I take my breaks (I need them severely lol) 


@mishty529 I'm really thankful. I'll update it soon. I'm sorry for making u all wait 


            Just here to let you know that MAFIA'S Obsession is the story that lives in my favourite no.1 list 
            Hope you create more great stories. 
            Thank you 