
“Righteous Tarnished. We will have our victory. I swear upon my blood.”
          	-Sir Ansbach, Pureblood Knight
          	(Shadow of the Erdtree has been kicking my arse…)


@HollowedPrince Bayle the Black Dread's been kicking my ass too. The Dragons are no joke!


@HollowedPrince Tell me about it. I actually have to grind and I have already beaten the base game.


@gokugunslinger Its certainly been a humbling experience…


“Righteous Tarnished. We will have our victory. I swear upon my blood.”
          -Sir Ansbach, Pureblood Knight
          (Shadow of the Erdtree has been kicking my arse…)


@HollowedPrince Bayle the Black Dread's been kicking my ass too. The Dragons are no joke!


@HollowedPrince Tell me about it. I actually have to grind and I have already beaten the base game.


@gokugunslinger Its certainly been a humbling experience…


Real quick, who here is a Dragon Age fan? On top of that, what are your thoughts on Veil Guard? Story wise, need more before I can really say anything. Gameplay wise, kinda mid. It’s basic, nothing much there to say. 
          Loved Inquisition so I’ll have to wait how this’ll turn out.


@HollowedPrince I have to redeem myself on this by starting a new character in Origins and work my way thru Inquisition.


@HollowedPrince So far I'm not impressed by Veil Guard. And it sucks since I've been a fan of Dragon Age since Origins


So, I just got back from vacation, posted a chapter for a story that was long overdue while on said vacation, and feel exhausted and sore. Overall, feeling absolutely lovely! How’s everyone else doing?
          Also, thank you to those who saw that recent chapter and for giving positive feedback. Definitely makes writing in the long term so much better and rewarding.


After a hot f*cking minute, Clone Among Drones has been updated! Go check it out!


@TheDarkEmperor All good. Could be worse lol


It’s feels good to be a Destiny fan! Year 10 is going to be packed with content, we’re meeting old foes and even going back to old places. And we’re getting a year 11 and the code name for it is ‘Frontiers’. I can only imagine what we are going to find in the universe that seems suddenly much bigger! Aiat.


Holy sh*t, Doom: The Dark Ages looks f*cking sick! RIP AND TEAR!


@HollowedPrince I'm hyped, I'm so excited


@HollowedPrince freaking chainsaw shield going all over the place 


@AshenHellHound “Game over, man! Game over!”


After Final Shape, I’m in the Destiny writing mode. Now before you raise your torches and pitchforks, I am getting progress done for the other stories, I’ve just been going at my own pace.
          Anyways, yeah, Destiny stories! There’s Brothers, which needs to be heavily revised, and Will of Iron, which is still being planned out. So, I’m thinking of just doing one-shots for the time being. I’d rather not keep digging an already deep hole and make a new Destiny related story entirely, for now, so this seems like the best idea. That and I’d say this would be a me kind of thing and not feeling forced to write it. We all have those stories once in a while, yeah?
          Anyways, let me know what you all think. For the time being , I’m going back to the storyboard and trying to grind gear for the raid.  Cheers everyone!


@ HollowedPrince  finally some destiny stories, please don't let it be a crossover that is just for example RWBY with guardian oc. I have enough of those and no proper Destiny stories. Btw do you know any destiny fanficks like  that


@HollowedPrince awesome! If you need any ideas for a Destiny stories you know where to find me! I actually thought of the idea of telling the light and dark saga with OC guardians as main characters of story. 


(Don’t know if anyone will see this, since it’s early in the morning for me and late for everyone else most likely.)
          So, the raid was finished, funny enough by a group no one thought of. I’m happy for them and I’m happy that it wasn’t SaltaGreppo lol.
          After they cleared the raid, a new activity came out. Believe or not, it’s 12 players! It’s beautiful chaos!
          Anyways, I’ll stop right there, otherwise I’d be getting into spoiler territory. But f*cking hell… I just want to say that I’m glad to have been brought into the likes of the Destiny universe. Sure, it’s had its highs and lows, but it was all worth it in the end. 
          Per Audacia Ad Astra. I’ll see you starside.


@HollowedPrince continue the clone among drones story or im gonna break your kneecaps from the other side of the screen there arent many entropy zero 2 stories and I love that game


@HollowedPrince I do wonder what's install for future for Destiny now


Well, the raid is certainly something. I can already tell I may not make it before contest mode is finished lol. Oh well. Hope other raiders are having better luck than me lol XD
          Also, hoping Datto or Sweatcicle get the world’s first win and not Saltagreppo. F*cking hate that elitist bastard…


@ HollowedPrince  ah so the situation when pro player dictates the meta for everyone. Hate when that happens 


@Nyx1347 Man has won world’s first three different times, loves to complain, and actively tries to make the game less fun. Divinity used to be better, but his complaining that, “It makes activities too easy,” got it nerfed. What’s funny is that his group is using it right now. F*cking hypocrite. If he and his team get world’s first for this raid, his ego is going to skyrocket more than it already is and the community will never hear the end of it.


@ HollowedPrince  some context for their hate? Im not really that knowledgeable in the competitive raid scene