

I'm experiencing writers block right now...Which isn't ideal considering I really want to get back into writing. I need inspiration. The book I was writing is not allowing me to write the way I used to. So, I need new ideas, plots, characters... I'm just so unsure what to do. Hopefully, something will come to me soon!
          Enjoy the rest of your day/evening.


I'd like to say it won't be long until my new book is finished. But I can't promise that... I have chapters to write and finish and then I have to edit the whole book. 
          Anyways, how's your day/night? 
          Q: What do you enjoy in your romance books? :)


That’s good to hear! The weather was very chilly where I am and gonna read my book tbh.


I dislike this feeling strongly....
          I have a book on the go since the begining of August so you guys could have something different other than mafia but I now don't know how to feel about it (I think it's an average book). I am also writing chapters here and there for the second book in the Falling series. And I also am so desperate to write this new book that I've recently been working outlines for and working out ideas and it seems perfect. 
          Can I do it all? Probably not otherwise I'll go mad.
          Anyways how's your day/night going? 


@Hjaynee But now since it’s so cold I need some decaf coffee rn.


@winnie_xoxo4 It's just so much I want to do aha, a coffee sounds good right about now, Preferably Iced for me!


Oh im sorry you feel this way, you could pm me about this if you want to! My toes are numb from the cold and I need some coffee.