
Hey everyone, it’s been a while. I thought I’d address the lack of content. I’ve had a bit of a writer block for a while and wanted to get sorted out and provide stories to the best of my ability and not half ass it. So, in the coming days, there will be an update on my Punisher story and then hopefully a sense of normality and back to regular ish updates. Again, apologies for the wait. Hope u understand, I’ll see u in the next one.


@HewitNoah its ok, we can wait. Take your time


Hi, I want to recommend you an unusual story with an unusual idea, and I wonder how you would do it if you wrote it.The story could be great. If it is implemented correctly. https://www.wattpad.com/story/316422498-my-hero-academia-deku-rises-as-the-dark-knight


Hey everyone, it’s been a while. I thought I’d address the lack of content. I’ve had a bit of a writer block for a while and wanted to get sorted out and provide stories to the best of my ability and not half ass it. So, in the coming days, there will be an update on my Punisher story and then hopefully a sense of normality and back to regular ish updates. Again, apologies for the wait. Hope u understand, I’ll see u in the next one.


@HewitNoah its ok, we can wait. Take your time


Hello everyone, apologies for depriving you of a story for so long. I have nearly finished my most recent chapters for my Punisher and Batman stories but they need a few more touches. Not too much longer and the chapters will be completed. Hopefully you are all looking forward to them


Hey guys, just wondering out of curiosity if there are any types of Izujiro stories you would like to see. I was thinking of getting round to one with Izuku taking on a role similar to Arthur Morgan in RDR2 maybe. But if you have any story ideas you would maybe like to see, comment them here.


@HewitNoah or with him having subzero and scorpion power and jirou as he's girlfriend 


@HewitNoah what about Naruto izuku but with Naruto skill and jirou as he girlfriend 


@HewitNoah Oh I got you what about like batman beyond. You could have Izuku get turned down by All might like how most do but have him be found by a old bruce wayne who see's himself in Izuku. That and I think Jirou whole personality fits the gothic future aspect.


Your Batman fanfic is good
          But the thing that bothers me is that you made him lose on the first chapter like a chump
          Like I know he's young and a bit sloppy but he ain't that sloppy
          Like if someone like him were to take out the entire Yakuza
          I'd expect to be more of a fight
          You know like he's able to resist the knockout gas for a few minutes


No hate
            The fanfic is amazing
            I just wanted to say this one thing 