
I supposed to update PHANTASMOGARIA today. I don't know how to start the first chapter a week before, trying to make it have no cringe moments, but now I have motivations and know how to start. The only things that block my way is my eyes. I haven't sleep for 1 day 2 hours and just eat. Don't worry though, the next update will be upload this week.


@Hell0n0o I think you should sleep first after all health is wealth, it's best if you stay healthy rather than worrying about things that can be done later. Also have a nice day though It's quite late, lol. :)


Hi!!! I like your stories so far and it made me want to write my own fanfic!!! So please have a look on this and my other books!!!. Thanks!. 
          Hi! I originally write stories of my own. Till I had the courage to do my own fanfic!!. Hope it's to your all liking!! And check out my other books too!.


Hello Author are you going to continue the story “I will do what ever it is to keep you safe”? I am confused since the title says on hold but the status says complete. I really love all your works. I have read them all. Keep up the good work and take good care of your self ❤️


I supposed to update PHANTASMOGARIA today. I don't know how to start the first chapter a week before, trying to make it have no cringe moments, but now I have motivations and know how to start. The only things that block my way is my eyes. I haven't sleep for 1 day 2 hours and just eat. Don't worry though, the next update will be upload this week.


@Hell0n0o I think you should sleep first after all health is wealth, it's best if you stay healthy rather than worrying about things that can be done later. Also have a nice day though It's quite late, lol. :)


Question, question. Does Kim Dokja being bullied by his 'classmates' after he tried to...y'know?


@Ionlykalberu Oh, thank you. I really appreciate that cause this part is very important


Yes. After he tried his classmate were like:” he can’t even die properly” or “why is he still alive”. 


So, anyone know any MALE reader x fanfic? Like, I prefer it's BL andddd I prefer it much more with no romance, at all. I've tried searching them, but all I got is Fem! Reader. I EVEN TRIED TO READ FEM!READER BUT EVERYTIME I READ EM I FEEL LIKE THERE WILL BE ROMANCE T ^ T For other fanfics tho, I've search them too, but it's always harem(not reverse harem), I would rather read the no romance one.


@AliciaTan754 like it's a male reader but he doesn't have to end up with anyone. In other words, have no male leads or female leads or love interest. The book focuses more on the adventure or something like that.


@Hell0n0o wait no romance as in what?


Hey, I wanna ask something.
          1.What round is YJH when ORV started(the starter of ORV)? I completely forgot. 
          2.How does YJH regressed again?
          3.How many round are there in total?
          4.KDJ read TWSA at what round?//Like, he read the book first in the ORV's round right?(ya undestand?)  and then before epilogue chp or maybe the epilogue chp , he goes to different rounds...right?
          I AM SO CONFUSEDDD, i want to read them back but I didn't even finished reading TCF, I also need to read DITOEFV for the crossover(O.O) I need to take thing slowly or else my study will drop again. The fact that I want to make Genshin Impact x TCF crossover is making me tired, I don't even play Genshin cause I'm suck┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌ and poor my storage


@Hell0n0o Well yes, it does take alot of storage I think atleast more than 10gb? also your welcome :)


@AliciaTan754 Oh thank you and no, i don't play them. I do want to download them but my storage (ᓀ ᓀ) You play?


@Hell0n0o 1. It was said to be the third round but in reality (not actually sure) it is the 1864th round
            2. He regress whenever he dies (this is what I'm not really sure of)
            3. I don't really know
            4. I think it is until 1863th round
            I didn't finish reading orv so I'm not really sure but oh well bahala na. Just wanna ask do you play Honkai Star Rail?


I HAVE A IDEA so idk if you have ever read orv but like a crossover between orv and bnha like kim dokja goes to BNHA universe in a teen body and is trying to reconnect with yoo joohngyuk who also was taken to BNHA! plsss


@Hell0n0o okay thank you for even messaging me back tho i genuinelly just love orv and its super fun to see the crossovers so yeah!


@illumi_shadows392 Oh...About that, I have read OR before but I forgot the plots. And tbh I don't write books where KDJ is the MC, I only write Cale as the MC cause I kind off understand his personality and inner thinking. It's not that I don't like KDJ, I read ORV before TCF so my mind is always on TCF only... Can you understand what I mean? I mean that after I read TCF, my hearts belong to TCF. But I will think if I should take your offer. Thanks anyway for the idea(*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)


SOOOOO i am wondering...should I delete the ORV × TCF book? There's someone who wanted to make a book with my AU tho and I already give them permission. However for those who are reading still mh books, I wanna ask if I should delte them? Cause I'm going to write the crossover with a whole new plots on a new book. My books you've been reading actually have no plots plan(O.O)....ANDDDD I'M SORRY BUT I DON'T OPEN MY ACCOUNT FOR A WHOLE YEAR BEFORE AND YES I'M ALIVE─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ JUST DON'T SEW ME FOR HIDING


@Hell0n0o (¬‿¬ ) alrighttttttyyyy i'm just gonna let them live


@Hell0n0o *going back to the dark corner and start crying because of the flashback


Author-nim, when are you going to update 3rd son of Eckhart?  


Ok, thank you.  Good luck on your new book and I will wait patiently for the update.


@kim_alex_923 I'm really really sorry for the late reply, but I was thinking of making a new ORV x TCF book, a whole new plots. BUUTTT, I am going to uodate the book but slowly cause I haven't really read them till finish...