
Ok so for those of you who i have kept talking to i am officially gonna be off wattpad and no longer responding, i've gone long enough with doing things i know i shouldn't be doing, i hope you all have amazing lives


Hey guys, i'm gonna be inactive now on from wattled via PM's and possibly message board stuff from now on, i've been doing bad stuff for a long time that my parents do not approve of and its time for me to stop, so i guess this is me saying goodbye, i hope you all have great lives!


@BunnyKris I'll miss you too, be safe and be careful okay?


So i forgot to tell you guys, i came out to my parents on mothers day, i know it seems selfish but i was in trouble that day and felt an opportunity to just rip off the band aid and today i realized my parents will probably not accept me as their son either for a long time or ever


@BunnyKris I understand that, it's hard