
Hello everyone !! 
          	I posted my new book, my first collection of poetry ,it is called " YELLOW " , i want you guys to check it sooner, because it is really vibrant and worth reading !! 
          	It is not finished yet, i am still writing and posting, so enjoy it please !!
          	Thanks a lot ! Love u 


@ Smeraldo0  
          	  I didn't delete it , i just unpublished it, i wanted to finish it first and make readers enjoy it full !!  I am so glad to know that it was your favorite, I'll publish it soon when I'll finish it, promise, i hope you'll like more my poetry ! Thanks a lot 


          	  I can't find it :( 
          	  Please don't tell me you've deleted it ! 
          	  It was surely one of my favourites 


Hello everyone !! 
          I posted my new book, my first collection of poetry ,it is called " YELLOW " , i want you guys to check it sooner, because it is really vibrant and worth reading !! 
          It is not finished yet, i am still writing and posting, so enjoy it please !!
          Thanks a lot ! Love u 


@ Smeraldo0  
            I didn't delete it , i just unpublished it, i wanted to finish it first and make readers enjoy it full !!  I am so glad to know that it was your favorite, I'll publish it soon when I'll finish it, promise, i hope you'll like more my poetry ! Thanks a lot 


            I can't find it :( 
            Please don't tell me you've deleted it ! 
            It was surely one of my favourites 