
Chapter 4 of Girl On The Comet is up!


Happy Saturday everyone! 
          I’ve updated Girl On The Comet with another chapter. Feel free to check it out. As always, your votes and comments are appreciated. Next week I’ll be updating Champagne Coast again, so look out for that. Thanks for all the support! Love you and see you soon!


Hey everyone! 
          Just wanted to let you know that my new story Champagne Coast has been updated. Now, the prologue and first chapter are available. Check it out. Also, check out my other story Girl On The Comet. I’m gonna be updating it next week. Feel free to vote and comment on both. It’s always appreciated. Thanks again. Talk to you soon! 


Surprise bitches, bet you thought you’d seen the last of me. 
          Well, I’ve returned with two new books: “Champagne Coast” and “Girl On The Comet.”  Both are ideas that I’ve had for the better part of a year. You can find the summaries on each story page. I’m very excited for y’all to read both. 
          As far as updates, I’m gonna be switching it up every week, posting a new chapter from one story and then a chapter from the other for the following week. This week I gave you the Prologue for “Champagne Coast” and Chapter 1 of “Girl On The Comet.” Next week you will get Chapter 1 of Champagne Coast.
          Go forth and read! As always, comments and votes are appreciated. Thanks everyone. It’s good to be back.  
          I’ll talk to you soon!


Hey everyone, I know this is probably a little unexpected of me to post a message since it isn't Saturday, but I actually have some important news that is very difficult to share. I've been thinking about this a lot recently, going back and forth on the decision and it makes me sad to say it. First, in my life, things aren't perfect. Obviously. But lately I've been feeling so many emotions. I'm extremely anxious and very lonely and kind of unhappy. Everything is stressing me out and it's made me depressed. I even had a mental breakdown the other day. If you asked me what was wrong I would simply reply with "everything" because that's how I feel. Like nothing is going right in my life and everything is just wrong. So I apologize for bombarding you with that, but now to get to my point. I have decided that I am going to put my current story The Chosen Fang [Book 1: Scairmont Academy] on hold, indefinitely. I don't know when I will get back to it. I don't know if I will. I don't know if I want to. I don't feel supported and I feel like it wouldn't make a difference to anyone anyway. So, I just wanted to announce that. Thank you and I will see you when I see you.


Hey all, it's that time of week again. Chapter 3 of my new story The Chosen Fang [Book 1: Scairmont Academy] has been published. I hope you're as excited as I am. This story is getting even more and more intense by the second, but there is still more to come. More crazy twists and secrets and a whole bunch of new characters you haven't met yet. Stay tuned and as always. I strongly encourage feedback. Please comment and vote if you liked the story. Anyways, that's all for today. I'll see you next week for #ScairmontSaturdays love ya!


Hello everyone, I am back to let you know that chapter 2 of The Chosen Fang [Book 1: Scairmont Academy]  had been posted. I am really liking this story so far and I hope you're enjoying it too. I promise that there will be more and more twists and turns and from here on out it'll only get even more intense. Now, just a side note, for the chapter titles, I decided to just do what I did for my last book series. I'm not naming them. Trying to figure out a title for the chapter is just too difficult because there is so much in each chapter that I can't sum it up with one thing. So I took the title off the first chapter as well, by the way. Anyways, let me know what you think. Feel free to comment and vote. Those are always appreciated. I will see you in one week for #ScairmontSaturdays love ya!


Hey all, the time has finally come. The first chapter of my new story The Chosen Fang: Scairmont Academy has been uploaded. I'm super proud of it and I'm excited to see the response. I wanted to get it out to you earlier this morning but I wrote more for this chapter than I anticipated and spent all day editing. I'll try not to make the future chapters so long. Still meaty of course, I want you to have as much content as possible. Anyways, I hope you like it. As mentioned before, I would love feedback so please please PLEASE comment and vote. It means a lot and it really helps. Thank you and I will see you next week for #ScairmontSaturdays love ya!