
I'M NOT DEAD YAY. Go check out my book.
          	And take a look at this Google Form: https://forms.gle/9aYZCMpZPUz6Qw8E9


Heya there guys. I apologize for not updating lately. Highschool's been tough. I really underestimated this school year. I'm doing fine, but it may take some more time to post a new chapter. But like always, I'll see you guys next time. Have a good day. (Or night.)


Well, this the third time I'm saying this. But uh, I'm officially 16. It's my birthday. I didn't expect to survive this year, but I really wanted to say, thank you to everyone who read my book and supported me through one of my toughest years yet. I appreciate it a lot. Thank you all, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter of my book.


@Havoc_Gamer happy birthday dude


            Oh nice -
            It was my brothers birthday a few days ago .


I'ma be gone for about 9 days. Family vacation in LA.
          Don't worry, I'm not dead or taking a break.
          I've been working on the FNF and JSAB/PA books.
          I might be able to work on 'em during then, but probably not.
          But anyways, see ya later, my fellow audience members.
          I'll be seein' you guys next time.