
I shouldn't be publishing new chapters, but I can't help it, I want you guys to know what's going on  I don't even want to delete this profile


@Virtual_202 Go ahead, I don't mind at all! I'm thinking I'll just discontinue my stories on this account, and continue them on my new one, and just not delete this one.


@HaruAzuna Would you have anything against it if I take this with me on my next ticket? I’ve been having problems with commenting again, and I could ask them about this?


@Virtual_202 Not all the time, it only happens sometimes. But I usually can't edit titles or my profile user, or my settings. It's weird


Hello author-san I am SOOO glad that I've come across your story and your account your stories are by far one of the best ones I've read in a long time I've been finding stories that are like this but didn't find any so to find your stories after reading a slightly cringe one is a blessing so thank youoo *sending loves and support* 
          Ps. Sorry if my English is not good English is not my first language.


I shouldn't be publishing new chapters, but I can't help it, I want you guys to know what's going on  I don't even want to delete this profile


@Virtual_202 Go ahead, I don't mind at all! I'm thinking I'll just discontinue my stories on this account, and continue them on my new one, and just not delete this one.


@HaruAzuna Would you have anything against it if I take this with me on my next ticket? I’ve been having problems with commenting again, and I could ask them about this?


@Virtual_202 Not all the time, it only happens sometimes. But I usually can't edit titles or my profile user, or my settings. It's weird


this is not an insult whatsoever, but im laughing so hard right now, i just realized your story Attraction is tanked number one in orochimaru, WHEN HE ISNT EVEN IN THE STORY YET!!!!!!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAAHA this is killing me and i dont know why but its just so funny


          Hello all! I will be deleting my Wattpad account due to technical difficulties. I'm not sure if it's because I have an older account (although I haven't hear anyone else with an older account complain) but my current account keeps on glitching and it's not allowing me to use certain functions.
          I will not be leaving Wattpad, and my current focus is transferring all of my work onto my new account. So the Naruto drafts I've started may take a little while to publish. But I wanted to give you all the new account I have activated, so you can keep on reading my stories!


@HaruAzuna oh OK thank you for telling me, I love/adore your books especially the jjk one


@HaruAzuna it was no trouble! I enjoy reading your stories and want to make sure I don't miss anything!


Please tell your okay 


@Animelove042 i hope you get better please take care of yourself 


@Animelove042 I'm doing alright! I thought I would be okay to start doing more activities but my health seems to disagree haha


Hello! I just finished Memory and I am in actual love. Do you know when you might update again? No pressure, of course (I know what that's like being an author myself), but I am genuinely curious. It was great and I am excited to read more!


Attraction is such a good fanfic! I mean the whole story just came together so well and i loved the way you portrayed Ryu! You got me hooked since the beginning of the story and i finished it in one day! I'm so happy to see that you're back and i hope you update soon!