
well it’s been a long time since I’ve updated.  About a month ago I just finished my last chapter to the first part of a series that I have not been on for a while because of work. really, to be honest if anybody reads this message. I’m not  gonna apologize or say sorry because that won’t mean anything, but all I can say is life goes on as I have many other things that has my attention and had my and attention for a while. I’ve worked, started a business and so forth, but I can say this, I’m happy that I finally got to finish the first part of a story that I wanted to write down which I’ve already have it written down on paper I just had to transfer it. So to anyone who has read my story I’m very grateful that you got a chance to read it maybe later on or even between some time I will add on more parts of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed, thank you.


well it’s been a long time since I’ve updated.  About a month ago I just finished my last chapter to the first part of a series that I have not been on for a while because of work. really, to be honest if anybody reads this message. I’m not  gonna apologize or say sorry because that won’t mean anything, but all I can say is life goes on as I have many other things that has my attention and had my and attention for a while. I’ve worked, started a business and so forth, but I can say this, I’m happy that I finally got to finish the first part of a story that I wanted to write down which I’ve already have it written down on paper I just had to transfer it. So to anyone who has read my story I’m very grateful that you got a chance to read it maybe later on or even between some time I will add on more parts of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed, thank you.


Good morning you guys! It’s the stranger who hasn’t been updating for a while now. Right now I’m currently waiting to get my medication, just came from the hospital so I’ll be out for two days. Anyway I just wanna let you guys know that I’m still working on presenting my stories I just been currently busy. Right now I’m working on the last chapter of SoulRings dealing with Shyanne. I’m also currently working on the second edition to the story. The second story will be dealing with a hybrid sheep wolf name Vesper and a cast of other characters on noway Island. So keep a lookout.


Thanks bro! Yeah right now I’m trying to get an appointment. It will take an hour&10 minutes. A long wait!


@Harrington256 Okay! Hope you're doing  well. :)


To all those who Are wondering or I have wondered why I haven’t been communicating for months now. I just want to deeply show my deepest apologies to you all for my lack of updates on my story and my profile. 
          I’m not going to beat around the bush with any of you. I have been lazy and focused on other things going on in my life. I haven’t been very faithful to you guys and for that I am sorry. But I want to let you guys know that that I’m back and I will continue to post more of my stories and updates as much as I can. No that I will not always post frequently. So I just want to let you know. Thank you guys for understanding.


@Harrington256 No worries ,, real life matters are more important. Are you doing good? I hope you are :). 


Hey everyone and good morning! ( or good night to some of you) I just wanted to let you guys know that I just released my “ Young’s Art Gallery” with of my best, weirdest and mysterious works! If you have an eye for art and encouragement come by, check it out and share your comments!
          I will be continuing my first story. I’m sorry if I haven’t been posting anything for a minute. I’ve been busy doing work around Houston, but  do not fear. I have a lot to add to the story.


Hey you guys. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve been on the hard duty quest to find work. Thankfully for the unemployment funds I’ve been able to take care of my needs. Thank goodness! ( also, I well not lie, I’ve been lazy. So sorry to all the readers who has been waiting for the next chapter. ) 


Well just finished my fourth chapter. Now I know that I said the fourth chapter will be the last of Shyanne’s story.
          I apologize because it’s not. I have one more chapter dealing with this character.
          After her story the next character will be Vesper, the hybrid wolf sheep. 
          Thank you again for reading! 


Hello everyone! A quick update. First I want to truly apologize to you all for taking so long for the next chapter of Shyanne’s story. I’ve been a bit Busy lately. Thank you guys so much for your support.


@Harrington256 it’s okay  I can wait I understand that you need time to do other things cause the same thing happens to everyone so it’s okay


Hello everyone! Just what to update you guys.
          As of now I’m currently working on my last chapter of “ Shyanne’s story ” from SoulRings.
          So far I’ve had 70 views of this story. 
          I’m very happy about this, so after this I’ll continue on with next character.
          Thank you guys so much for reading!