
“I want Aemond Targaryen.”
          	“They killed the boy.”


In two weeks, I have a week off from uni, I’ll try to have a double update for all of you then <3
          In the meantime I have a question, does anyone know good Lego dupes? I have a few good dupes for the flowers, but I’m looking for dupes of sets like Artemis and Titanic :)
          And in the other meantime, reminder for your daily click for Palestine https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/


          The children down the block had wished for falling stars
          To marvel at a colouring night sky
          They longed for fireworks, freer than their dreams
          Who could dance amongst the stars
          They giggled and screamed as they ran
          Playing tag through the city so dense
          They collected flowers and olive branches
          Desperate tears from budding martyrs filled the Dead Sea
          They prayed for falling stars
          When covered in soot and cement
          With scraps and seeping maroon
          One doesn’t pray for fire from the sky
          But they were put to sleep with falling stars
          The city so dense bathed in starlight
          And the children screamed once more
          Donate money for free with the following link, you just need to click a button: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/ 
          As an update on my university’s demonstrations, they keep escalating due to hooligans taking over and police violence that is now being investigated by Amnesty International. My university hasn’t started an academic boycott yet, but others (also Dutch ones) have (partially).
          Keep demonstrating, the people of Palestine deserve to see a free tomorrow 


Free Palestine!!!!!!!!  


US students, keep going! As of today the encampments have started in the Netherlands at my univeristy. We can do this! 


@stilestastic welp, my uni’s encampment has been bulldozed and attacked by the police on the first night 


@stilestastic i won’t be camping there, but i’m making protest boards tomorrow and donating them there. but they started today which is interesting because our future queen studies at my university 


You think university is all serious and then you wrote an anthropological essay on Moana and got a good grade lmaooo. 
          Anyway, i’m working on an update, it was supposed to be out two weeks ago but my group project is going horribly and it’s taking up all of my time. That paper is going to be handed in friday so i’ll finally have some time to actually write in my free time


@sageneedsspace whahaha love that. we received a list of movies we were allowed to write essays about and then we had to relate the chosen film to two texts. it was quite fun actually 


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@HannahDottier | best part of uni is that when you have to do essays, you can write the wildest shit. I recently wrote an essay about how I hate booktok (the toxic side)  