
Epilogue for She Became A Passive Villainess—Not! is already up!
          	I'm sorry if it isn't the kind of epilogue you might have wanted but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Thank you so much for the support and love on my work!
          	ありがとうございます! Banzaaaiiii!


@HalloweenGodspell I can't wait to read the epilogue! I recently started reading it again, and I try to stop myself from reading the epilogue and ending so I don't get spoilers, but I rlly wanna see the ending. Your writing is a masterpiece, pls keep it up! < 3


@HalloweenGodspell I was shocked to see a foreign game written in English fanfiction. I haven't played this game in years.


Y’all should really STOP putting your stories in here! If you really want your story to gain recognition do it in an honest way. Stop IT! Like it’s irritating. The author might’ve stopped using this account or something else but that doesn’t mean you should be doing this. Let their account at least be a place for future readers to explore and love. And maybe your stories could also legitimately get good recognition and be loved. It’s this type of behaviour that gets people leaving the app indirectly causing you to have a smaller reader population. Be legitimate and work hard like others instead of being total jerks by taking advantage of someone’s popularity for your own benefit. I hope this behaviour stops cause it’s annoying as fu**. I’d check out your stories cause I need something to read but considering the shitty behaviour, I might as well just find something else to read. This ain’t doing.


@UG1reads hello, with the right demographic, you will find the right kind of readers too.


@Della_G I was just about to post a link to my book, sigh then I saw this, it really hit hard. I just have one question, how do you get your story out there if you don't post it


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Nah bro why the fuck people promoting their books here? Just cause this guys popular and gone doesn’t mean you can take advantage of him like this


@Popbros Was so surprised by this behavior as well 	( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )


Agreed, the behaviours annoying, selfish and just overly dumb. Like can’t they just do it the legitimate way and actually work hard like many others including this author??


Helllloooo author, I don't know if you're still using wattpad or not , I assume you've already left however I would still like to Thank you for the great stories you've presented us . It was my pleasure to read your books , though I do wish you still continued to write but I understand. Again,Thank you so much for sharing your amazing imagination with us ✨ 


@UversaGalexy when I see art that inspires me again, i'll probably write again. Thank you so much for the love and support. Banzaiii