
Hello guys, i just want to say thanks for all the support for "One More Time" i can't believe that i get so much like for it. As you already know, the story already end and the only thing left is it epilogue. I will write it but for now i decide to put it aside and write a PikRome story which i already thought about it for a while. After i finish writing the story, i will start writing the epilogue. So i ask you guys to be patience and please wait for a while.
          	Thank you and see you guys later!


Hi if you are looking for godtbas/phayo new stories please check my friends books she is amazing writter but has been doubting herself so please read her books and show her some support and I hope you well like them thank you❤
          This is her profile link 


Hello guys, i just want to say thanks for all the support for "One More Time" i can't believe that i get so much like for it. As you already know, the story already end and the only thing left is it epilogue. I will write it but for now i decide to put it aside and write a PikRome story which i already thought about it for a while. After i finish writing the story, i will start writing the epilogue. So i ask you guys to be patience and please wait for a while.
          Thank you and see you guys later!


I'm so sorry for not updating "One More Time" for the psat months. I just got off from a very busy week of work but don't worry because i do plan to finish it just give me time to do so.


@HakimiFt i already feel the feeling to write again but i just need more time for myself


@HakimiFt   Don't worry.  I will patiently wait for it.  :)


Guys sorry i have been not able to update "One More Time" for the past couple of weeks, work have been very busy for me and the only time i have is only enough for me to take a rest, but don't worry i will finish the story


Hey guys, just want to say that i might not be able to post any chapter for "One More Time" this week because work have been very exhausting and everytime i'm at home all i want to do is lay down and do nothing but if i can i will try to update this week but i will not promise that.
          Thank you for being understanding!


Keep it up..your story is really nice and i really want it to read till then end. Hope you will not drop it..ill be waiting for the next updates...


@userZA no worries just take your time, ill be waiting then...


@userZA don't you worry, i do want to finish it, i hate when the author decided to stop their story midway. There will be only one more part for the story so let hope i can finish it quickly


Thank you for voting on Cold Rejecrion. Hope you are enjoying the story.


@RedHatNicky so far i had no problem with your story so you can relax


@HakimiFt  i am happy that you like the story. I do tend to use unusual words. Sorry if you find it hard to understand. If you have a question, feel free the ask. I will do my best to answer.


@RedHatNicky your welcome, but i have say that your way of writing is quite poetic to me and that sometime can be quite advance for me whose english is not the first language