
Hello everyone!
          	I don’t really know if anyone reads on here anymore but I do plan on finishing and updating my stories that have been in my drafts. 
          	Hope you all have a great week 
          	XX el 


Hi, so I updated?  I know it's been a long two years. I am using this as an outlet for some stress.  I am rewriting my first story The Dream That Lasted Forever, check it out if you want to! If not that's cool too. I hope that you are all doing well! Cheers x


So I don't know why I am writing this to you guys, I haven't been very faithful in writing or updating.  Plus, my stuff is probably outdated and terrible.  I am writing this right now to help get myself out of my funk.  If you guys wish, I am rewriting my first story, so please check it out.


Well it's been a long year of trying to find myself and decide if I would like to continue writing.  Even though I have chosen math as my second major in college, writing will always mean something to me.  Plus, I never really left the site as I continue to read and grow.  So, I'm going to do a much needed edit of my first ever story.   I would love if any readers who still check out my messages and stories to continue this journey with me!


Hello to my lovely followers! I have finally updated Not All Love Stories Are Rainbows and Butterflies.  Its the much awaited Chapter after about nine months of a hiatus.  Please enjoy it and let me know your thoughts and feelings xx


Hi guys, its El.. Well after a very long semi-hiatus.. I'm back for good.  I've missed writing so much so I'm going to do everything in my power to get an updating schedule together and start establishing my books again.  I know that I have let you guys down, but I'm here to make a change.. So im hoping you guys are willing to join me of this wild ride!  I already started by adding a new story called the Story of Us.  If someone would be willing to make me a cover I would love you forever and I will give you a dedication and a shoutout in my stories.  Please feel free to DM me or post on my page if you are interested!  I'm hoping to be on here everyday so feel free to stop by.  Thank you xx