
Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Hey it’s Hades. I’m leaving everything behind. All of you are amazing people and don’t deserve me or my shittery. I love everyone and everything we did. Maybe one day I’ll return here idk. Whatever the case I wish you guys the best no matter what happens. I’m not good with all the touchy-feely shit so yeah. Thanks for the best memories I could’ve ever had.
          	Chase (AKA HadesDaChezTicLord)


@HadesDaChezTicLord Hallo Hades haha this is also late, I haven't checked wattpad in a while...  I also wish you the best  :). We all make mistakes and I'm sure everyone would welcome you back if you ever return. Times were really fun back then and the memories mean a lot (I still know the dora song by hearttt). Oh yea btw, if you were to come back in the near future, you would find that many people are getting discord marriedddd. Anywaysss, good luck in school and beyond, have fun eating cheesesticksss, and continue listening to the USSR anthem :)))!


@HadesDaChezTicLord Ah I'm late but wish you the best <3 /p (incase Dis sees-) AND PLASTIC WORMS :D


Ah hades no time no see ay? Tho it prob is late but I wish u the best :) gl mate and one more thing *give cheesestick to hades* best wishes


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Hey it’s Hades. I’m leaving everything behind. All of you are amazing people and don’t deserve me or my shittery. I love everyone and everything we did. Maybe one day I’ll return here idk. Whatever the case I wish you guys the best no matter what happens. I’m not good with all the touchy-feely shit so yeah. Thanks for the best memories I could’ve ever had.
          Chase (AKA HadesDaChezTicLord)


@HadesDaChezTicLord Hallo Hades haha this is also late, I haven't checked wattpad in a while...  I also wish you the best  :). We all make mistakes and I'm sure everyone would welcome you back if you ever return. Times were really fun back then and the memories mean a lot (I still know the dora song by hearttt). Oh yea btw, if you were to come back in the near future, you would find that many people are getting discord marriedddd. Anywaysss, good luck in school and beyond, have fun eating cheesesticksss, and continue listening to the USSR anthem :)))!


@HadesDaChezTicLord Ah I'm late but wish you the best <3 /p (incase Dis sees-) AND PLASTIC WORMS :D


Ah hades no time no see ay? Tho it prob is late but I wish u the best :) gl mate and one more thing *give cheesestick to hades* best wishes


Son are you still alive?
