
your takes on israel and palestine are absolutely disgusting and inhumane, i hope you find some sort of humanity inside of you to have more empathy towards both sides, not just israel. i also hope you double check information you get and not spread lies and misinformation as you clearly have been continually doing. and i hope you grow to be mature at having a backbone to condemn what both sides are doing, not just hamas, and accept that what israel is doing is wrong. recover soon 


@HPTiffany Also, you can protest freely in israel if it’s for the hostages or for israel, but not anything against israel. For example, israeli jewish sociolinguist uri horesh said he’d been suspended from his lecturing at achva college for his oppositions to the attacks in gaza. There’s also been threats made by israeli police commissioner kobi shabtai who warned there’d be zero tolerance for people protesting against israel.


@HPTiffany You mentioned hamas stealing aid. i’ve read articles about hamas stealing aid, they’ve talked about israel’s claims on hamas stealing aid and the US accusing them of it, yet i’ve read nothing about actual evidence being provided. Obviously, i’ve also read many articles saying israel has yet to provide evidence of hamas actually stealing aid. In the articles Here are some of them:
            Also, i use the times of israel a lot, i’ve been surprised it’s a news site that seems fairly unbiased despite it being israeli.
            I never said there’s democracy in gaza, how do you expect such a war-torn place to have that? Of course, the conflict between fatah and hamas was horrible and deadly, but hamas killing them was majorly the cause of fatah as a government being corrupt.
            By military service, i mean conscription being negative, as it exploits young individuals as well as affects their mental health and threatens their life. Not only does mandatory military service exploits individuals by forcing them to serve, it’s undemocratic. Democracy is a system in which people exercise power in governmental forms. It’s like having the ability to choose. With mandatory military service, people who are unwilling are still forced and jailed in israel if they refuse, which just completely takes their ability to choose for themselves. Basically, refusing military service can cost you your freedom in israel.


@HPTiffany You’re calling everything i said so wrong, yet not specifying what? I’m not really surprised at another israel supporter calling facts they disagree with “wrong”. Also, what are you talking about? Israel has broken many ceasefires, for example in 2008 when they executed a raid in gaza and effectively broke a ceasefire. And by “defending” themselves, I meant idf soldiers defending from literal civilians and children that they’ve killed purposefully. 
            Hamas never attacked israeli hospitals, what are you talking about? And israel isn’t using special ops in tunnels yet, they’re only bombing the whole place and effectively barely even doing anything to the tunnels UNDERNEATH facilities. The fact that you’ve just said “israel rarely bombs hospitals” is hilariously ridiculous and tells me everything i need to know about how updated you are and how you’re getting your information. They’ve bombed multiple hospitals, such as al-ahli arab hospital, al-shifa hospital, indonesian hospital, al-quds hospital, al-amal hospital and many more. Are you going to call literal evidence wrong or fake now?
            I’d feel horrible and i’ve already condemned hamas for using human shields, while you’re here condemning israel for nothing and making everything seem palpable. 
            Here’s the idf using human shields:


gotten myself banned from pretty much every single anti-israel story on here (from being blocked lol)


i wonder why you would get banned for supporting a genocide  


            literally same
            It sucks tho, I'm sure I could change some minds if people would listen


this message may be offensive
(most recent one is probably because on their section about protesting they said "Wear a mask and show as little skin as possible" and I said something like "fucking pussy. if you're going to protest a cause, then have the balls to show your face" lol


Hi :)
          You said that it’s a myth Palestinians were kicked out by Israel, I had always been told some were… where did you find this?
          Have a good day ❤️❤️


@half_moonshine The ones that should be begging for forgiveness are Hamas and its supporters, both to God, to its civilians, to its hostages, and to Israel. What is happening in Gaza is a tragedy, but ultimately, it is on Hamas' shoulders, and they will not take any responsibility whatsoever. All they care about is death.


hi my love, just wanted to come by and say that…you are beautiful…you are perfect…you are worthy…and you are uniquely divine. no one else out there is like you, and that is such a blessing to have. your soul and heart are filled with love and kindness, and you shine through the darkest darkness, so learn to love and light than not at all as it is the most precious thing around ❤️
          have a lovely day/night wherever you are, I love you, mwah ✨


@HPTiffany | I wish I was able to see it, and thank you love <33


@-princxssdommy- girl of course I smiled
            You're so sweet
            And I appreciate you to


@HPTiffany | no thanks are needed, my darling. if a smile graced your lips whilst reading that is all that matters to me. your beautiful words are appreciated, and as are you <33



It's an owl house fanfic btw
            About hunter


I just came here to say that you are beautiful, kind, caring, stunning and I am so thankful to have someone like you always there to lift me up. thank you so much for your kindness, my love ;) <33


@adoredsapphic thank you so much, take care of yourself as well, and I can't wait for the next chapter!


@HPTiffany thank you so much, pretty. that’s the best compliment I could possibly get…and just remember that I’m here if you ever want to vent, talk, anything at all ;)
            take care of yourselfff <33
            (p.s., the next chapter of “My Sinful Piece Of Heaven…” will be up in a few days, just in case you’re reading along!! ❤️)


@adoredsapphic awwww that's so sweet!
            You're amazing, and always so kind to all your followers and readers, I'm so glad to have found you on here
            The only thing better than your writing... Is your personality


hey there, beautiful! hope you’re doing well ;)
          just wanted to say that I’ve created a reading list on my account where I’m going to put my wattpad friends’ books into, to help spread their work to others as a ‘thank you’ for being so lovely to me and kind <33
          wanna select some of yours for me to add, my lovely?? you have so many projects, I thought it was best to ask you first! 
          mwah ❤️


@HPTiffany awh it’s no problem, love!! of course, I’ll add your book to the list when i have a second, cuz i just logged into wattpad and got 108 notifications overnight that are taking me hours to read through, help ☠️
            and that’s so sweet!! I really appreciate it, so will they ;)
            mwah ♥️


@adoredsapphic Oh that's so lovely!!
            nothing I've written is that good, but I guess I'll go with 'my idol'.
            thank you so much by the way. it's so sweet of you to do this stuff for your supporters.
            I'm going to read everything on that list- any friend of yours is worth a read!


hi there my lovely, i just came here to say thank you so much for your upvotes on “Boyfriend.”, your support truly means the world to me. i’m so glad you’re enjoying the book so far, just like i’m enjoying your comments on it too ❤️;)
          by the way, another chapter comes out 30th of May, just in case you want to pick up where you left off (:
          have a lovely day/night wherever you are, gorgeous <3
          lots of love, Ames


@HPTiffany awh thank you so much, pretty. your compliments mean a lot, and thank you for commenting as well - not many people comment on my newer books which saddens me, but i’m grateful you took time out of your day to make me smile, even if you didn’t know it.
            here’s hoping you’ll enjoy the rest of the story too ❤️ ;)


            I love your story! It's very well written, and has a great plot
            I'll be sure to continue on the 30th, thanks for the update
            Have a lovely day/night!!!